Submitted by Joe_mother124 t3_z7ghqh in wallstreetbets

I had a question, because of all the stuff recently going on between twitter and Apple, I was wondering if anyone thought Apple stock might plummet as a result of elons fight with them. I mean elon has caused this stuff to happen before is it possible to happen?



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VisualMod t1_iy6ff9q wrote

>It's definitely possible that Apple stock could take a hit if Elon Musk is successful in his efforts to create more competition for the company. However, it would likely be short-term and not necessarily long-term. There are other factors at play here as well such as how much of an impact this issue will have on consumer sentiment towards Apple products or any potential antitrust lawsuits against them by governments around the world which may also influence their share price over time.


aspiring_bureaucrat t1_iy6fo9s wrote

This will dispel a lot of notions people have about Elon’s power


WendysFryCook t1_iy6foyh wrote

China will play a larger role in AAPL than Elon imo


token-eater t1_iy6fvv1 wrote

I don’t know if Twitter has much of an impact on Apple. People buying Apple products do it for other reasons, besides the fact that if someone absolutely wants to use Twitter, they can log in from a browser.


Primary_Syrup_6412 t1_iy6fyod wrote

Apple could definitely take a huge hit. It already is without Elon knocking it down. There's a lot of turmoil in China with all the child laboring. Elons mass exposure will cause it to collapse. I bought puts on Apple today. Apple to 135 by EOW


DimesOnHisEyes t1_iy6g65b wrote

It would be pretty awesome if Elon did a massive exposure on how apple uses slave labor and such.


Ok-Train4958 t1_iy6guhg wrote

He may become an advocate for other Apple Store companies


hawehawe t1_iy6hom1 wrote

China might kick Apple in the but. Would have more impact than elon.


killybay22 t1_iy6ib0e wrote

Tim Cook will eat Elons lunch....


cstrand31 t1_iy6irtx wrote

Elon isn’t even a blip on the radar for apple. Remember, apple holds the keys to his apps success in their hands. Not the other way around. An iPhone still works without the Twitter app. Twitter, the company, has far less market share if people need to manually navigate to the web app instead of using the native app. Elon can fuck all the way off into the sun in one of his rockets.


Few_Dig7979 t1_iy6jzgu wrote

Twitter's profit is literally pocket change for apple. Like a speck of dust.


dimitriG4321 t1_iy6k39h wrote

IDK but it does seem like AAPL is a sweatshop dirtbag lately.


Stopdpuck t1_iy6lo9f wrote

Tbh I wouldn’t bet against Elon


Adventurous-Tear-973 t1_iy6mtcw wrote

Twitter won’t make a dent on AAPL, however, TSLA will tank very soon if Elon “Karen” Musk doesn’t quickly put his shit together and stops ranting publicly. Apple doesn’t need Twitter but Twitter needs Apple, badly.


spagetzzi t1_iy6n2lh wrote

I’ve owned apple for almost 10 years and it’s my time to step off. I don’t want any smoke and I don’t want shady findings to come to light


ThisIsMyReal-Name t1_iy6nmre wrote

Remember when musk was talking about the Chinese factory workers and how they don’t just burn the midnight oil, but the 3 am oil?

Yeah musk definitely doesn’t take advantage of his workers. He also definitely isn’t holding his only employees left at Twitter hostage with their work visas.


ThisIsMyReal-Name t1_iy6nwus wrote

Lol, a lot of Elon supporters invest huh.

Every single musk simp could boycott Apple forever and it wouldn’t move the needle on apples stock. Their share price barely dropped today because of riots in their production cities that might cause them to miss up to a third of their expected production.

Tim Apple doesn’t give a half of a fuck about musks fragile ego


Adventurous-Ad-7890 t1_iy6okok wrote

The issue here is that AAPL is a liberal shit hole of a company. DNC loves Big Tech and the censorship so they will protect AAPL regardless of the fact that Apple has a monopoly on the storefront for downloading apps to their phones.

It would be like Microsoft saying you can only download from the MS store...


Unknownirish t1_iy6p8hm wrote

These seems to be the running theme for Elon. I'm not really a fan but I do like how he stirs the pot; Twitter needs AAPL and Google but just as equally AAPL and Google need Twitter because they don't exactly have a favorable market place to discuss.


ECK-2188 t1_iy6pksc wrote

iPhone shortage in China is what might cause Apple to sink, not so much elon.

Well atleast we know where Apple stands with free speech whether it’s on Twitter or in China.


Hawss2010 t1_iy6u06k wrote

If literally every major phone company comes out with what is supposed to be the iPhone killer every year and they are still the number one phone in the world, then the noise created by a single app is not going to amount to a hill of shit. No one gives a single fuck about the workers in china. If the iPhone required a drop of blood every time i opened it i still would not own a samsung galaxy s54 or whatever. They are the linux of phones


2Prongzzzz t1_iy6ukk6 wrote

It is indeed possible to happen


longstreakof t1_iy7g5ph wrote

Nope, Apple will be up and down with the economy and will be affected by short term supply issues but they are as solid as they come. Super strong brand that makes quality gear. Not sure what I would describe Twitter as? It wouldn't be very complimentary.


Mya_Elle_Terego t1_iyaubsp wrote

Adults know your right and that it literally doesn’t matter. Dems will crush Elon for freeing twitter. Apple will write some 2024 campaign checks, and be totally fine.

Most everyone under 30 thinks they are gay and Elon is Dr Evil because rachael maddow said so, they will now downvote you to death as well. He has made them all victims, and for that he must be sacrificed. Never mind his risking his star-link satellites for Ukraine. Or making ev cars popular.

Puts on Tesla, i give it another month or two and antifa will be torching any tesla they find on the street.