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MyNi_NotYourNi t1_j2cakyq wrote

>How bad, (if) will it be, when will it be over?

Narrator: It's over already. You just don't know it yet.


Ok-Challenge9324 OP t1_j2cb0em wrote

So what you're saying is, the recession is over. (Cramer said we haven't hit bottom 4-5 days back) Or you're saying buy more medical supplies, stable food and ammo?


MyNi_NotYourNi t1_j2cbryo wrote

Narrator: It's over for Tesla. Not the pain, but it's future.


Ok-Challenge9324 OP t1_j2cdmkt wrote

Pls enlighten me. Why is TSLA a dead man walking?


MyNi_NotYourNi t1_j2cem49 wrote

Narrator: Die, it won't. Right-size though, it shall. Akin to Cisco from the post-dotcom days.


Ok-Challenge9324 OP t1_j2cfmqd wrote

Tesla is still growing it's market share and expanding further, having a solid edge on every legacy manufacturer. It's margin (efficient production), innovation (full self driving beta, cybertruck) and overall growth far outpace legacy companies. (from which only toyota and another one I forgot is actually profitabel, all the others are living of government subsedies)


FDrecruit t1_j2cbf6i wrote

I’m all in on Jan 13 calls for Tesla I figured if everyone is doing puts I must inverse to see any potential gains


than2020 t1_j2cbsvh wrote

Most of the "experts" saying is going to be really bad but how bad? We dont know, they saying people will start loosing their house cars jobs etc in the next months , since interest hikes takes some months to hit, also supposley inflation will cool down by end of year (3-5%) So basucally we.dont know just be ready for the worse but expect the best


Cool_Cartographer_39 t1_j2ca3aw wrote

My buy in on TSLA is still a little lower. Waiting to see how rocky a start 2023 will be.


redit01 t1_j2ca6bo wrote

Who knows. It is deff not off the table that we could see it test $100


bustidboom t1_j2casgw wrote

Well now that you mention it, maybe she is Cramer…


one8e4 t1_j2cbi09 wrote

As long as it's market cap is worth more than a true global dominant reliable Toyota, then I would stay away.

Same logic though made me miss alot of potential gains though.....