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Invest0rnoob1 t1_j298xsc wrote

If you’re new start with ETFs and stocks. Recommended ETF SPY QQQ. Options are an advanced way to lose money.


FATPEPPAPIGGAMER420 t1_j299nta wrote

You should go all in on $SPY options with 0 days until expiration, ideally extremally far out of the money and with little to no liquidity, you'll thank me later


VisualMod t1_j298n2y wrote

>You should definitely start with long-term stocks. Options are a great way to get started in investing, but they can be risky and complicated. If you're just starting out, it's best to stick with stocks that will give you the most stability and potential for growth.


biggerarmsthanyou t1_j299hva wrote

Why would you want to leverage your losses? I mean, I guess you could get your freebie out the way. Everyone wins once, it is just that your first options loss will wipe out your gains and more.


TimefortimXD t1_j299j3l wrote

Based on what I have seen: if you start with options based on advise from others you will most likely lose the full 12000 within a year, possible days.

You have to do your own due diligence I can't advice your exact situation. The safest general advice is to buy a mix of S&P500 and bonds monthly for decades, without emotional selling. Please keep in mind that even this very simple strategy is extremely difficult to execute due to the sentiment of the market switching between exuberance and depression, dragging along the poor investor panic selling and all inning at all the wrong moments.

Good luck!


Decent_Idea_7701 t1_j29acvr wrote

0dte options is better. I mean better return. Get rich faster. Retire faster.


_abishek t1_j29as8k wrote

Neither. If you ask this question, you aren't ready yet. Learn first.

Btw, this is wall street bets, you are free to do as you wish - we'll welcome ya when you lose your 12k.


MasterBlaster4422 t1_j29b14w wrote

Buy stocks like VOO with regular shares. On the side paper trade options to get familiar. I just write on a piece of paper the option you “bought” and check on it to see if you made money. This is so you find a method that works for you and start getting comfortable with the process. After you do this for a year with positive results you can start options. Long term stocks always win though never forget.


Taxibaas t1_j29b7g0 wrote

“Always bet on black”