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Educational_Zebra_66 t1_j24hj6k wrote

we have had clean energy options sense the 40s. For example Thorium based nuclear power has been around sense before uranium or plutonium, unfortunately thorium didn't have the weapons capabilities of the others. So development was all based around plutonium and uranium. In my opinion "they" will never let clean, virtually free power exist. It would take a cultural revolution to actually allow engineering and science to development real solutions to anything. If it can't make money year over year and be tightly controlled it won't be developed.


Rough-Lavishness-401 OP t1_j24jbm9 wrote

Love to see another thorium enthusiast, absolute shame more people don't know about it.

Also absolutely agree that big energy magnates will suppress this. Ironically tho, I think it will be authoritarian regimes using/advancing this new kind of energy just like what is happening with the thorium reactors in China