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dpdude007 OP t1_j2b6sz8 wrote

Reply to comment by yao97ming in How low did you go in 2022? by dpdude007

Majority in $schd. Wheeling on $tqqq


StimulusAndPrinter t1_j2c005k wrote

$SCHD is down 3% for the year. Not to rub it in, just saying, keep it and resist the temptation of doing stupid shit.


dpdude007 OP t1_j2cchwj wrote

It’s my $tqqq position that is hurting. Got assigned 3700 shares at $34.50 and it’s been down hill since then. I’ve been selling options on it can’t offset that downward death spiral


StimulusAndPrinter t1_j2cnc7r wrote

$tqqq is a 2x leveraged fund. Wouldnt touch leveraged funds with a 10-foot pole. Most important lesson I learnt in all my investing life is that leveraged men sell at the bottom.