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eJaguar t1_j2d2jp4 wrote



third_legatron t1_j2d4vea wrote

It's real. That was my life savings at 24. My choice now is what? Gamble more? Prove everyone either right or wrong? Either way I won't be happy. Rather take my 4k cash and just work until I have 10k. Now that, that's enough to yolo myself back to utopia.


eJaguar t1_j2d6pcq wrote

4 days from a year ago i was facing complete financial disaster and I started from below 0, moved back in with mom, i'm 26 and i've been able to put $25-$100 into the market daily every day since about sept after paying back every friend who had ever loaned me money (for the 2nd time lmao, corpos don't get a penny)

i was mining dogecoin at difficulty 2, then 8, I literally was in the irc channel on release and mined several million with a single 6870. I've had multiple (theoretical assuming i sold at peak) 7-8 figure crypto opportunities pass me buy. i could've easily had 200k in the market had i figured my shit shit out. now at 26, i consider myself unfathomably blessed, beautiful life with an actual professional occupation. i could've been making 6 figures at 19 had I behaved optimally, or was able to stream video games when I was top ranked in overwatch/csgo/LoL (had the skills but grew up with absolutely abysmal internet in the rural south)

The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, the second best time was today, and every day until that tree gets planted will be the best day to plant the tree. You see what i'm saying? I've made many, many mistakes in my life, and reflecting back on the amount of suffering I've experienced from irresponsibility, knowing that it could be avoided, that hurts.

my main issue ended up being adhd which has been completely resolved by amphetamine(s), but i've lived a very traumatic life so I had all sorts of other issues as well, a true multi-combo-value situation!

how do you think i feel knowing that i spent basically 9 years being a total peice of shit, and had nothing but dent to show for it? the van i was living out of was repossessed. it SUCKS only being able to build up my portfolio (after my company's 6% 401k match) $25-$100 per day, it's finally reached about the 10k mark but it's been a slow grind.

next time you're sending money to the tradey app, instead of buying options buy ~20 positive cashflow stocks spread out across ~10 different industries, this is the only reason i am not negative. my approach focuses first on not losing money, everything afterwards is gucci, maybe adopt that instead of 98% losses? it would have been literally impossible to be down more than 30%, and hard to be down more than 15% if you're not a total moron in your choices. try and ensure that the vast majority of your stocks pay a decent dividend as well, especially in uncertain economic conditions the only stocks i own that do not pay a dividend are amazon and google, and i bought amazon before i really knew what i was doing, i probably wouldn't today. long term i'm not worried but i could've chose a better performing security with that $


third_legatron t1_j2d7qo5 wrote

It's too early for this, I've been up all night. I would love to buy stock but unfortunately I only have 2k. It's the same dilemma that the people who capitulate and big spy deal with. I'm a wage slave, max I can save a year is about 20k, and that's a fervid pipe dream, because it doesn't account groceries.

That's how I know shit will go up soon, because I'm belly up. I blew my opportunity to go long with my capitol. I don't have anything besides a basement room with momšŸ¤£

I watched margin call and cried because I wish I had an opportunity at a formal education.

Not trying to be depressing, and obviously I've done this to myself, but holy fuck, this is a lesson to learn. 40k debt. I started this year with 4k debt. Car blew up out of nowhere, I don't keep more cash that 3k, so my 2012 Camry cost 1k down, (28k after interest for 5 years)

I'm a fucking idiot lol. I'll be back in the market at some point. Always gonna be another opportunity. I will not blow it this time. If it does happen.


eJaguar t1_j2db3yq wrote

>It's real. That was my life savings at 24. My choice now is what? Gamble more? Prove everyone either right or wrong? Either way I won't be happy. Rather take my 4k cash and just work until I have 10k. Now that, that's enough to yolo myself back to utopia.

Forget any other strategy other than: use to identify good securities to purchase, and then do that consistently daily/weekly/monthly until you have re-built your capital base.

Again, I started from below 0 this year, it SUCKED looking at $2.1k in there knowing that I couldā€™ve easily had $200k. But again, tree.

Your new number #1 goal is not losing $, profit comes after. Do not buy cashflow negative companies. Diversify into as many industries as is sensible based on your specific research, I have specific inance and tech hardware stocks I want to develop more equity in by the end of the month. Try to look at things from a % perspective only, not $ amounts.

>I'm a wage slave, max I can save a year is about 20k, and that's a fervid pipe dream, because it doesn't account groceries.

My only monthly mandatory expenses end up around $800 or so, and I make around the six figure mark. My front car bumper is fucked up from when my brother wrecked it, I just recently threw away a pair of shoes that were literally both duct taped, I got used to living in poverty, once I got the ā€œnot even $10ā€ mentality down especially I was able to find even more room for investment while the market is down across the board. Not gonna be the case forever you know.

>That's how I know shit will go up soon, because I'm belly up. I blew my opportunity to go long with my capitol. I don't have anything besides a basement room with momšŸ¤£

again dude, i started this year, unless u have rich family members or start a business theres not any other way to achieve financial freedom

>I watched margin call and cried because I wish I had an opportunity at a formal education.

I tried to drop out of highschool, no college, but am literally a hacker in both senses of the word so I ended up writing code professionally, which pays ok. Education is a joke in the US, chatgpt will do a better job than 98% of educators for anybody sufficiently self-motivated and curious.

>Not trying to be depressing, and obviously I've done this to myself, but holy fuck, this is a lesson to learn. 40k debt. I started this year with 4k debt. Car blew up out of nowhere, I don't keep more cash that 3k, so my 2012 Camry cost 1k down, (28k after interest for 5 years)

When I was 22 I was crying in my momā€™s kitchen thinking I threw away my shot at entering the profession of the first job I was ever hired for (19, full stack developer), and my future (mainly due to unmedicated adhdā€¦) was FUCKED and I could never look forward to anything more than a $11/hr job at the local warehouse 25 mins away. And then from age 22, my life got substantially worse even, lmao

Once again, Tree, it sucks but you only have one responsible choice here.

>I'm a fucking idiot lol. I'll be back in the market at some point. Always gonna be another opportunity. I will not blow it this time. If it does happen.

Again, focus on not losing money #1 and anything else after


third_legatron t1_j2d7wv6 wrote

You should check my stock choices. Check my post history. I used to post on r/stocks a lot about oil, and lithium. Unfortunately I'm too silly for my own advice.

But, my long term picks are doing very well, unfortunately I sold them all too early and have nothing to my name. I'm a gambling degen lol. Best of luck to you.


eJaguar t1_j2d7dlx wrote

btw everything i learned about life that allowed me to go from literally homeless to the main breadwinner in my family in less than a year, it's much harder coming to terms with the fact that you fucked up at 65 than 26. that is the situation my mom is in. both financially and physical/cognitive health. other than a few missing molars, i have no criminal charges, a mostly clean bill of health (i quit smoking and have no missed a single day of cardio yet since i started [3-4 mins at a time max])

but yeah dude i had to come to terms with the fact that both my current salary as well as any investments i had tossed away because i hadn't yet figured out the right combination of molecules that work optimally for me (bupenorphine, phenibut, boatloads of [LEGAL HEMP BILL FUCK OFF FEDS] cannabis, and amphetamine(s) on workdays or the occasional night where I need to correct my sleeping schedule by staying up.

it is absolutely crushing to only realize how to properly plant a tree at 65+


third_legatron t1_j2d87ln wrote

Seeing is believing. I've seen investments pay off, I've seen options pay off. I've seen it all, but my life hasnt fundamentally changed at all.

I was hammered at a wood n tap when I made 14k in a day. Too drunk to even think about anything besides giving the. Bartender my number lol

I don't even gamble anymore.


third_legatron t1_j2d8th2 wrote

You're joined reddit on my birthday. July 29th. Anyway, I have work in 3 hours.

Better to learn how to plant a tree at 65 than to learn how to clear your own forest 4 years into it. Stocks are the only product I've seen in my life that I feel I'd be happy buying/selling


eJaguar t1_j2d8749 wrote

another important thing i had to realize is one's really on their own in this society. i make good money with rock-bottom cost of living in a state with no income tax, but the very people who were supposed to help me medically were often at best a roadblock and at worst actively detrimental. i take living sovereign very seriously, i have too, I had to (unintentionally) learn about pharmacology, organic chemistry, neuroscience, things of that nature to be able to confidently make medical decisions for myself when surrounded by [at best] inadequate "professionals"

being able to manifest that agency into the world, and having the results speak for themselves, well it instills a feeling of freedom that is hard to put into words, my stocks enhances that freedom by providing financial security. i still live like a scruff but put more than the total cost of my car into the market monthly


third_legatron t1_j2d9a7v wrote

I've replied a lot to your messages, but on an unrelated note, I'd like to say I'm happy that you have made the necessary steps for your mental health. I live undiagnosed bipolar, so I understand where you're coming from when you search for "solutions"


third_legatron t1_j2d8mes wrote

Yeah, Its true that you're alone in this world. Starving dogs and what not, stupid movies we've all watched to feel introspective.

I had everything I wanted and threw it away. If you can get what I mean, that 50k I had would be worth more now with these opportunities that what I gambled it away on. Obviously, the 50k in my personal account was worth much less.

I had to learn what a dollar meant, nobody has ever taught me how to handle money. That is NOT blame, but it's a lesson I needed to learn. If I had 200k, shit even $20m, I would've lost it all. I didn't even look at the numbers as money. I grew up never seeing more than 1k cash. And honestly, the last time I saw that was when I was leaving the casino.

That should tell you something. I never took profit. I want to learn how to trade correctly, and I'll never give up, but at this point I haven't traded in 6 months, I'm broke. Can't even risk it. So, I can paper trade and just test my gambling. I hate it.

I have terrible self destructive habits that manifest when I least expect. It's something that I need to learn to live with.