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eJaguar t1_j2d8749 wrote

another important thing i had to realize is one's really on their own in this society. i make good money with rock-bottom cost of living in a state with no income tax, but the very people who were supposed to help me medically were often at best a roadblock and at worst actively detrimental. i take living sovereign very seriously, i have too, I had to (unintentionally) learn about pharmacology, organic chemistry, neuroscience, things of that nature to be able to confidently make medical decisions for myself when surrounded by [at best] inadequate "professionals"

being able to manifest that agency into the world, and having the results speak for themselves, well it instills a feeling of freedom that is hard to put into words, my stocks enhances that freedom by providing financial security. i still live like a scruff but put more than the total cost of my car into the market monthly


third_legatron t1_j2d9a7v wrote

I've replied a lot to your messages, but on an unrelated note, I'd like to say I'm happy that you have made the necessary steps for your mental health. I live undiagnosed bipolar, so I understand where you're coming from when you search for "solutions"


third_legatron t1_j2d8mes wrote

Yeah, Its true that you're alone in this world. Starving dogs and what not, stupid movies we've all watched to feel introspective.

I had everything I wanted and threw it away. If you can get what I mean, that 50k I had would be worth more now with these opportunities that what I gambled it away on. Obviously, the 50k in my personal account was worth much less.

I had to learn what a dollar meant, nobody has ever taught me how to handle money. That is NOT blame, but it's a lesson I needed to learn. If I had 200k, shit even $20m, I would've lost it all. I didn't even look at the numbers as money. I grew up never seeing more than 1k cash. And honestly, the last time I saw that was when I was leaving the casino.

That should tell you something. I never took profit. I want to learn how to trade correctly, and I'll never give up, but at this point I haven't traded in 6 months, I'm broke. Can't even risk it. So, I can paper trade and just test my gambling. I hate it.

I have terrible self destructive habits that manifest when I least expect. It's something that I need to learn to live with.