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eJaguar t1_j2db3yq wrote

>It's real. That was my life savings at 24. My choice now is what? Gamble more? Prove everyone either right or wrong? Either way I won't be happy. Rather take my 4k cash and just work until I have 10k. Now that, that's enough to yolo myself back to utopia.

Forget any other strategy other than: use to identify good securities to purchase, and then do that consistently daily/weekly/monthly until you have re-built your capital base.

Again, I started from below 0 this year, it SUCKED looking at $2.1k in there knowing that I could’ve easily had $200k. But again, tree.

Your new number #1 goal is not losing $, profit comes after. Do not buy cashflow negative companies. Diversify into as many industries as is sensible based on your specific research, I have specific inance and tech hardware stocks I want to develop more equity in by the end of the month. Try to look at things from a % perspective only, not $ amounts.

>I'm a wage slave, max I can save a year is about 20k, and that's a fervid pipe dream, because it doesn't account groceries.

My only monthly mandatory expenses end up around $800 or so, and I make around the six figure mark. My front car bumper is fucked up from when my brother wrecked it, I just recently threw away a pair of shoes that were literally both duct taped, I got used to living in poverty, once I got the “not even $10” mentality down especially I was able to find even more room for investment while the market is down across the board. Not gonna be the case forever you know.

>That's how I know shit will go up soon, because I'm belly up. I blew my opportunity to go long with my capitol. I don't have anything besides a basement room with mom🤣

again dude, i started this year, unless u have rich family members or start a business theres not any other way to achieve financial freedom

>I watched margin call and cried because I wish I had an opportunity at a formal education.

I tried to drop out of highschool, no college, but am literally a hacker in both senses of the word so I ended up writing code professionally, which pays ok. Education is a joke in the US, chatgpt will do a better job than 98% of educators for anybody sufficiently self-motivated and curious.

>Not trying to be depressing, and obviously I've done this to myself, but holy fuck, this is a lesson to learn. 40k debt. I started this year with 4k debt. Car blew up out of nowhere, I don't keep more cash that 3k, so my 2012 Camry cost 1k down, (28k after interest for 5 years)

When I was 22 I was crying in my mom’s kitchen thinking I threw away my shot at entering the profession of the first job I was ever hired for (19, full stack developer), and my future (mainly due to unmedicated adhd…) was FUCKED and I could never look forward to anything more than a $11/hr job at the local warehouse 25 mins away. And then from age 22, my life got substantially worse even, lmao

Once again, Tree, it sucks but you only have one responsible choice here.

>I'm a fucking idiot lol. I'll be back in the market at some point. Always gonna be another opportunity. I will not blow it this time. If it does happen.

Again, focus on not losing money #1 and anything else after