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DaddyDersch OP t1_j2cberj wrote

I dont believe ive made any excuses actually... ive give reasons why i do things the way i do.

The way i track my daily, weekly and monthly trade logs allows me to look at it in a macro way like i presented and it also allows me to look at it in a micro way. Tracking it and presenting it how i do allows me in times of drawdown to review my trades and see what i could have done better or worse. And in the end i dont even have to show or present my daily logs or daily trades.... i also fail to see most traders do it as consistently and openly as i do everyday...

I track my trades and present them for me... not everyone else...

The one change i am considering making is adding a time slot. I wanna further analyze if there is a specific time of day im better or worse at trading


RockThatSmiles t1_j2cf9j9 wrote

You totally diverted the question. So are you going to post your gains via broker in the next year or not?


DaddyDersch OP t1_j2cfhgu wrote

I actually didnt divert it you just didnt get the answer you wanted.

I post plenty of sceenshots from my trades live of my broker and of my bot at times depending. I cant advertise it here and dont wanna risk a ban mentioning it but there is a place where that all happens live and one could audit me live and gets to see sceenshots from my wins and losses.


wigglehands t1_j2cg44u wrote

Naw u absolutely dodged the question lol so are you posting the p/l with the broker ever?


DaddyDersch OP t1_j2cgzxq wrote

No. As i have mentioned above and numerous times i post my daily log for me and honestly as a courtesy to those who dont see the trades live. I track my trades the way i do because it benefits me.

Ive posted numerous account pics and sceenshots and other things through the year and regularly. And again a p/l statement when you frequently take money out of an account is pointless.

I could open a robinhood account and deposit 100k and show you a pretty dope 1y p/l. P/l statements unless its an account you never transfer funds from and never do anything but trade and grow is never going to give you the full picture anyways.


tendieful t1_j2d98ps wrote

“Frequently take money out”

And it only looks small cause it’s cold, right?


letitrainchaos t1_j2cis1t wrote

It is quite obvious you are posting your excel logs here and on your discord specific channel as a marketing tool. Saying its just for yourself is disingenuous. You are offering free trials and charging people, this is your business. You went off tangent instead of answering my simple request. Its not so hard to do a weekly or monthly screenshot of your p/l or trade summary. Many platforms have these features. You seem to know your market audience because most of the wsb members are easily manipulative. Just going through your discord chats explains what kind of people buy into your business model. Basically, tell us a yes or no.


DaddyDersch OP t1_j2cjmp7 wrote

I dont see where im manipulating anyone? But you are entitled to your opinion.

I do post my trading log the way i do because it is whats best for me to track my trades and be able to each day and week analyze my trades.

I didnt go off tangent. I answered your question you just didnt like the answer you got. No i have no desire to post screenshots of my actual account balance every single day. I dont need to do that and honestly the final amounts in my accounts really is private. I am fairly transparent in my opinion compared to most traders who only post their wins and you never see them shows their loses or periods of drawdown...

If its not good enough for you thats okay. But to say im manipulating people is just a blatant lie. I provide analysis of the markets and i also provide when i enter and exit trades. Its that simple. Someone either wishes to follow my analysis and trades or they dont. They either follow my analysis/ trades and make money or they lose money. Its actually pretty black and white. People either find value in what i do or they dont. Nobodies forcing anyone to do anything 🤷‍♂️


letitrainchaos t1_j2ck72e wrote

You totally lost your cool here. I never said you manipulated anyone and never requested you to do daily screenshots. Reread my comments and leave your emotions, defensive gas lighting reply out of it. My question remained simple and you answered it after being questioned specifically for the x time and you did it with an essay bro


DaddyDersch OP t1_j2ckbw3 wrote

Aight bot 👌 whatever the bot says. You and your valorant buds can go snicker together for wasting my time


letitrainchaos t1_j2cmuif wrote

You are still full of excuses. Lets hope you dont get listed as a scammer in the near future ✌️ and the fact still stands, you never provided proof in all your history. Show a bit of professionalism and learn reading comprehension because you added a few words in my mouth because you got a bit too emotional. Stay on topic.


DaddyDersch OP t1_j2cmywh wrote

Well if someone tries to say im a scammer i guess we know who to blame


letitrainchaos t1_j2cnp2w wrote

I thought I was wasting your time? 😂 Your TA is solid btw but the complaints ive heard from your discord needs more attention.


tendieful t1_j2d9hqt wrote

You keep dancing around the question and throwing out straw man arguments. He didn’t say “every single day”.

He said maybe once a month.