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mytendies t1_j1tewkw wrote

Market order in the am


coliozenobio OP t1_j1teyij wrote

Epic, 6:20am alarm set


ImmenatizingEschaton t1_j1tf75w wrote

Dude market orders can literally be anything someone types in as an order and you will be forced to purchase at that price. If you are gambling then do it. If you care about your money don’t.


coliozenobio OP t1_j1tfcj6 wrote

I can just not exercise the put options, no? Then I’d just lose the contracts I bought (about $100)?


ImmenatizingEschaton t1_j1tfvzb wrote

You don’t understand how this works. Don’t do it.


coliozenobio OP t1_j1tg7an wrote

I’m pretty sure I understand… if I’m wrong about LUV, I would let the contact expire. I would not be forced to purchase at a certain price. I would lose $$ I spent to buy the contracts (total of about $100)


ImmenatizingEschaton t1_j1tgsqp wrote

You don’t understand because the price is set at market, meaning literally whatever price someone happens to be selling the option at the time your market order executes. THAT is what you are risking.


Outof_ITM t1_j1uhcd1 wrote

Oh boy, this is going to be fun. Please post a follow up to this.


Peppa-Piggie t1_j1tp7b1 wrote

You never want to exercise. Lose out on value from IV.