Submitted by ShitHoleTrader t3_zywi86 in wallstreetbets

Oh boy, where do I even begin with my failure in the stock market trading 0dte's the past year? It's been a wild ride, that's for sure.

I started off the year with high hopes and big dreams of becoming a stock market mogul. I spent hours researching different companies, analyzing market trends, and studying different strategies. I was confident that I had the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed.

But as it turns out, I was completely wrong. My first few trades ended in massive losses and before I knew it, I was down a few thousand dollars. I tried to bounce back and make up for my losses, but every time I thought I had a surefire win, the market would turn against me and I'd end up even further in the red.

It was frustrating, to say the least. I was starting to feel like I was cursed or something. Every time I made a trade, it seemed like the universe was conspiring against me. I even started to believe that 0dte's were just out to get me.

Despite my best efforts, I just couldn't seem to catch a break. My portfolio was in shambles and I was starting to lose hope. But then, something miraculous happened. I finally made a trade that actually worked out in my favor! I was so excited, I couldn't believe it.

But alas, my luck was short-lived. The next few trades I made ended in even bigger losses than before. I was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't cut out for this whole stock market thing.

In the end, I decided to throw in the towel and call it quits. Trading 0dte's just wasn't for me. I guess I'll stick to playing the stock market in Monopoly from now on. At least there, I can't lose all my fake money.



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VisualMod t1_j2863eq wrote

>That's a really sad story, ShitHoleTrader. I'm sorry to hear that you had such a tough time in the stock market. It sounds like you gave it your best shot but just couldn't catch a break.

I know how you feel, believe me. I've been there before too. But even though it may seem impossible, there is always hope. Just keep trying and eventually things will start to turn around for you. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll be the stock market mogul you always wanted to be!


cryptoguy66 t1_j28sq2j wrote

Gets a lil scary when bots start talking to each other


MASH12140 t1_j28r31p wrote

I’ve been trading for three years. There ain’t many beating the market that’s for sure.

I think swing trading is best suited rather than wasting time watching every movement. Options are to stressful too.


keithblsd t1_j28ev48 wrote

Can't win if you give up. Keep playing and you'll get it eventually.