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daytradingguy t1_j20x3lt wrote

I did read your post, I don’t think it will go up at all from here. It may pop a couple dollars like it did this morning, but it is out of favor and no big money is going to jump in and buy this right now, enough to drive up the price.


kk7766 OP t1_j20xajw wrote

If I'm selling Friday EOD, the next couple of weeks has zero impact on my positions, just the next 2 days. And I think there will be a run-up in anticipation for good delivery numbers


daytradingguy t1_j20xuxo wrote

A good luck with that. I am thinking testing $100 by Friday. I doubt the delivery numbers will be good.


kk7766 OP t1_j20y2vi wrote

If the delivery numbers are horrible it will be $100 or below Monday. I am not holding onto it so I don't care what the delivery numbers are. I just care about people who buy TSLA as a lotto ticket in anticipation for it which will get it back to $120 - $125+ Friday EOD easily imo


patricio87 t1_j2123bk wrote

Narrator: People did not buy tesla as a lotto ticket


kk7766 OP t1_j21290q wrote

if enough people remember they are reporting delivery numbers Monday or it trends on twitter then they will