Submitted by Captain_Calypso22 t3_zuuh7h in wallstreetbets

Hey WSB,

Does anyone here trade NYSE options outside of trading hours successfully?

I live in a different timezone and due to work and sleep, can't login during trading hours. When i go to place Option order outside of hours Interactive Brokers doesnt give accurate buy/sell prices (often times they won't show any previous day trading information so im shooting blind).

9 times out of 10 when i place a limit order it wont execute, and whenever i place a market order the executed price is always much worse than the last sale price, destroying any risk/reward that ive calculated. Also it seems impossible for me to place spreads due to this (not knowing what price my order will execute for) so i've been unable to do these.

Does anyone trade outside of market hours and have any tricks or tips they could share?




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VisualMod t1_j1lepeb wrote

>You're not going to be able to trade successfully outside of market hours unless you have a really good understanding of how the markets work and what drives price movements. Even then, it's extremely difficult to do because you don't have access to the same information that traders who are active during market hours do. I would suggest either finding a way to trade during market hours, or just avoiding trading altogether if you can't commit the time necessary to research and monitor your positions.


ZenStocks t1_j1lrjye wrote

Jesus. Bot getting big brained


RedOctobrrr t1_j1lwu9s wrote

How? The question is about OPTIONS TRADING after hours, which isn't even a thing (with very little exception). VM responded about trading securities AH, but didn't even realize options (which is OP's question) aren't traded in the AH market.


cheaptissueburlap t1_j1m79pu wrote

Lmao you have a worse reading comprehension than the bot bro, thread carefully img


RedOctobrrr t1_j1mj5nb wrote

Trading options outside of hours... It's not a difficult concept. OP is asking about trading... options... outside of normal hours.


cheaptissueburlap t1_j1mk8hx wrote

Limit order part?


zerg_001 t1_j1mny22 wrote

I place limit orders AH more to remind me what I was thinking the day(s) before. Sometimes they fill and sometimes I have to go in and change them to market during trading hours.


RedOctobrrr t1_j1mslvu wrote

I've done that, a prayer, hoping to catch a steep drop in options pricing that will let my order fill. But options trading doesn't resume until 9am lol... I still don't understand where some of these folks are getting confused on OP asking about options trading outside of normal market hours.


v4bj t1_j1mb10a wrote

This was made illegal as it was one of the factors leading to the Great Depression. Options cannot be priced to previous market close.


mceelz234 t1_j1mbwo2 wrote

Can’t trade US options outside of US market hours. The chain literally doesn’t exist as the order book closes and all bid asks removed until next trading day.

I’m sure some big banks figured a way to roll these options into swaps and trade them after hours between themselves and other big banks but generally if an option can’t be executed in the money then it can’t be traded.


[deleted] t1_j1ono7y wrote



mceelz234 t1_j1q03a2 wrote

You’re 1000% wrong champ


BackgroundStrategy69 t1_j1q1oi6 wrote

No, maybe you just started trading recently.

Up until last year, SPX options started trading around midnight. Now they actually trade near 24/5 since the other recent changes like expiries every day.

This is really easy to Google, champ.


mceelz234 t1_j1q8ar8 wrote

Google this, champ. This is coming from the mf who books ALL derivative trades INCLUDING options for Bank of America as a software dev haha. Please read below and educate yourself youngin.

All options, unlike equities, go to the lit exchange that is only open during market hours. The options chain literally doesn’t exist after hours. The only exception to trading after 4 pm are a few Nasdaq tracking and other ETFs like XRT that trade until 4:15 ET but overall all equity options, ETF/ETN options, index options, and world currency options trade only from 9:30 AM to 4 PM eastern standard time M-F save for some holidays.


JustBuycalls t1_j1nrdul wrote

Yes fuck the options trade Spx , nas or us30 futures they trade 24/5


YOLOResearcher t1_j1lxmdw wrote

Us listed equity and index options 930 to 4 pm.


TopMagician6574 t1_j1n0gqo wrote

Trade futures instead, or Forex.


djs383 t1_j1n2lk8 wrote

This is exactly what made me move to futures. I feel it’s a better setup for me. Depending on his time zone, it could be a good option


crash_bandicoot42 t1_j1lw4ts wrote

If you're like in EU/AUS you're not going to be able to trade the standard US market efficiently unless you want to be on NEET times. You should be looking at crypto, forex, SPX contracts (which are 24/5, almost no volume outside of US market times though so don't recommend that unless you're playing ITM), or futures.


3zeeboom t1_j1lzsev wrote

why? open hours for europe is like 15-22... its ok to trade


DungeonofPickles t1_j1m11mz wrote

I trade outside of trading hours sometimes cuz I also face the same issue, however, I’m subscribed to live data and it’s always pretty accurate on IBKR. Maybe you don’t have the live data or you’re placing market orders and get bad fills due to the huge discrepancy between bid&ask during outside of trading hours


Fair-District-9201 t1_j1mos00 wrote

After hours is for the real degens to voluntarily burn the gains they made that day


vegastrashy t1_j1n0ryg wrote

Most options can’t be traded after hours, it’s that simple.


ja_trader t1_j1nah6a wrote

keep trying! you might get lucky


Southern-Situation30 t1_j1ol7vr wrote

Only ticker I know that can trade outside the 4:15 PM EST (SPY/QQQ/IWM) window is SPX and the only broker I heard of it Interactive Brokers. That means you can trade options on SPX at 830AM EST. Liquidity is not going to be as good as regular market hours but it works well when trading economic data releases, earnings, gap ups/downs overnight etc.


OldResearcher6 t1_j1oyq12 wrote

That's because you can trade options outside of market hours.

If you don't know that, I'd recommend you learn more about options before jumping in. Cuz you'll get absolutely wrecked.