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ABena2t t1_j1pgwhk wrote

Reply to comment by majoreye6666 in what the fuck by [deleted]

ahhh.. good answer. well can't you take a picture of the receipt? don't they hand you some sort of paperwork when you leave?


majoreye6666 t1_j1ph2gj wrote

They said I'll get a cheque, they can't give it to me in cash, I took 80k in chips tho from the cashier to bet on red again


ABena2t t1_j1phm3d wrote

You're either full of shit or high. why would anyone do that? You're up 700k and you don't walk away? lol


ulkord t1_j1phwp1 wrote

How do you think people win these amounts? Not by making rational decisions lmao. So the kind of person who wins like this, is the kind of person to lose all of it eventually