Submitted by Fatherthinger t3_zy5f2o in wallstreetbets

How Can You Invest in the EV Megatrend?

A three-tier framework can serve as a roadmap for how to invest in vehicle electrification over time.

The first tier is EV auto companies and battery manufacturers, the latter being one of the most vital suppliers to EV makers. As consumer adoption of EVs likely accelerates, these companies could be the most direct beneficiaries of increasing demand, with the battery market alone growing to $525 billion by 2040. Look for investment opportunities earlier in the industry’s growth, as production and demand ramp up.

The second is key suppliers for EV and battery makers, including semiconductor manufacturers, chemical and material processors, and metals and mining companies. Investment opportunities in these companies are also likely to be most plentiful early in the industry’s growth, as demand for their products continues to increase. In some cases, these suppliers may be a more attractive opportunity than pure-play EV manufacturers, because they often have a more diversified customer base and derive revenue from multiple industries.

The third: ancillary service providers, including software producers, power companies and tech firms targeting the auto industry to offer shared services. Given the relatively small market share of EVs today, investment opportunities related to such companies may seem minimal, but farther down the road, we expect these industries to expand meaningfully, with automobile-related technology services growing to a potential market as large as $10 trillion.


Companies exposed to the industry—particularly those focused on continued innovation—could be strong, long-term investments.

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VisualMod t1_j23szju wrote

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^^Discord ^^BanBets ^^VoteBot ^^FAQ ^^Leaderboard ^^- ^^Keep_VM_Alive >TL;DR: There are three tiers of companies involved in the electric vehicle industry: EV auto companies and battery manufacturers, key suppliers for EV and battery makers, and ancillary service providers. Companies exposed to the industry—particularly those focused on continued innovation—could be strong, long-term investments.


VisualMod t1_j23szz4 wrote

>That's a really great analysis of the EV industry and how to invest in it. I'm definitely going to look into some of these companies you mentioned. Thanks for the insight!


Tonka111 t1_j23t98h wrote

Your Asians will buy Toyota, Europeans BMW, Audi and Mercedes and America Ford, GM and Tesla. By 2050 the market will be back to normal division and PE's will be near equal.


PleasureSoul t1_j23tmkc wrote

It seems like hydrogen & fusion power may be more likely in a few years given the physics of an all electric world is impossible.


LSM000 t1_j23vc5z wrote

European (German) here. Teslas already everywhere. For example, in a shared parking garage of my apartement block, with 30 cars, there are 4 EVs, 3 of them are Teslas.

I drive an old '06 Honda Civic - by choice. Audi and BMW will burn your money, because they are failures on wheels, very unreliable.

So that's for that.


MaximusBit21 t1_j23yyh1 wrote

How is Rivian green in pre market. It’s a dumpster fire of a stock atm


-colin- t1_j2410ng wrote

Europe is a dying empire. China has good prospects but is heavily locked in. America will electrify, but there will be resistance for one or two generations.

Where will the next billion people come from? India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Indonesia.

Do you think these countries will give a shit about climate change and your liberal views? Fuck no. They will take whatever is cheapest to power the economy. Hell, India has historically burned human turds for warmth. Coal and oil are a step up. Whoever thinks internal combustion engines will go away anytime soon is regarded.


ASaneDude t1_j24340f wrote

This sounds like a Motley Fool pitch. I’m out bruh.


33446shaba t1_j243cru wrote

Electric grid is the biggest reason. Second is cost of copper going through the roof. Third is battery waste and we still don't have a good Lithium battery on the market that doesn't use cobalt. Yes companies like QS have some potential but they have yet to pan out.


Softspokenclark t1_j243d10 wrote

By 2050 I’ll be too old and senile to enjoy my monies, I need something to happen asap within 3 months


UCACashFlow t1_j24i71b wrote

There were also high expectations for streaming services a decade ago. Yet today over 55% of consumers still subscribe to cable, and streaming services have deteriorating negative cash flow.

Guarantee 90% of vehicles will not be electric when today we don’t even have an electric grid that can power homes with winter and summer demand surges, and utility companies continue to do what they’ve done for decades, not upgrade or maintain the grid to instead shower themselves and shareholders with cash.


JelloSquirrel t1_j24im2k wrote

If electric vehicles includes hybrids or plug in hybrids, then yes probably. They might even be hydrogen hybrids.

If OP means full EVs only, nope, not gonna happen.


nobeardjim t1_j24iw72 wrote

Like 95% of the current members will not exist by 2050.


MrULTRALONG t1_j259mmx wrote

By 2050 i will fly with drone to golf course to have some coffee


Hayb95 t1_j26ay2e wrote

This just in! Pelaton makes up 95% of home workout equipment sales during pandemic!


spoobydoo t1_j26h0pz wrote

Expected by who and based off what analysis?


Friendly-Passage8855 t1_j27dsk9 wrote

Buy coal stocks. EV just stores energy made by burnt coal power planets. I think EV manufacturers should have to put on the window sticker how many mIles to the pound of coal.


Billystep t1_j27kkp0 wrote

Bs they’ve been around 15 years and don’t even have 1 percent of the market. No infrastructure to charge millions of cars. If there is ever a high demand for evs ford gm and Toyota would bury Tesla. They’re junk. They have recalls on them for basic components on a car every couple of months. He don’t even know how to build a basic car right