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Intelligent_Hair_853 t1_j2c3r56 wrote

Right through the window 🤣. Never forget


XchrisZ t1_j2euzxe wrote

I was 6 when that happened all I could talk about for 5 years when someone brought up wrestling.


roguebananah t1_j2bvlgf wrote

Lol thinking your year in red Is going into the black as shown by the shirts?

I’m ready for your Uno Reverse card


Lotushroom t1_j2cke4j wrote

I remember being a little shit kid, maybe 2 or 3, when they did this. Back when I thought this shit was real.


RobertsonvsPhillips t1_j2deglp wrote

Maybe 5 or 6 , who tf can remember anything from age 2 or 3?


Lotushroom t1_j2dokz6 wrote

"Adults rarely remember events from before the age of three, and have patchy memories when it comes to things that happened to them between the ages of three and seven. It's a phenomenon known as 'infantile amnesia'."

It IS possible to remember some things from when a person was 3. That said, this glass thing did happen in '91 when I was 5 or 6.


XchrisZ t1_j2ev8cg wrote

I remember being in a crib and freaking out when my dad came up stairs and turny off the light in the hallway. I was moved to a bed before I was 2. Only memory I have before I was 3.


Lotushroom t1_j2f0cdr wrote

I have memories from that young that my relatives have confirmed so I know it's possible for anyone else.


ameldrum902 t1_j2clcxo wrote

Market jumps out as Shockmaster


despondents0ul t1_j2cm8gr wrote

This whole time I thought the guy on the left was a young Bret Hart


Ok_Paramedic5096 t1_j2cce7c wrote

Can one of you helpful mother pleasers please explain to me why the fed funds rate is 4.25% but a 1-month treasury sells for 3.875%.


CaptainStonks t1_j2dg095 wrote

Stop complaining and just become a bank then you get your 4.25% from the FED.


Excal333 t1_j2dawmc wrote

Is that yokozuna in black?


B-L-E-H-C-H t1_j2cfnga wrote

Things don't get better


UCACashFlow t1_j2e1s18 wrote

They do after you buy the bottom this upcoming year. Look at the NASDAQ or S&P 500 as a YOY %. Change.


Doho86 t1_j2ctbti wrote

I most certainly, don’t know.


[deleted] t1_j2cv3f7 wrote

2023 gonna be like a gangbang movie


awwfishsticks t1_j2cwn6u wrote

That’s what they said about ‘20 and ‘21


Professional-Look439 t1_j2cz990 wrote

This shook me when I was a kid especially through the barber glass 💈 window


stemiser t1_j2dm95a wrote

Marty? Marty Jannetty went on to get back-stabbed by the great Shawn Michaels. Legion of Doom was their only real competition, but Shawn threw it all away...


CommunicationAway341 t1_j2dw9iu wrote

Scrolling and hoping for a Captain. Only cryptic in-the-know-shit. I love when it’s done to others but hate, when it hits me…

I know something about Brat but don’t know the other (his brother?).


LAxCalibur t1_j2eb1c9 wrote

I since 2023 is going to ruin us to the brink of madness, we’re fucked


Burner-305322 t1_j2fj77c wrote

“Jannetty tried to dive through the window to escape!”


Independent_Row_Goes t1_j2ftykq wrote

‘‘Twas the night before 5/19/2008. And all who thought the friendship was just getting going.