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nubface1001 t1_j2aix4m wrote

Lol Is 500 really a yolo?? And yes this is smooth brained as fuk


Additional-Fold-1347 OP t1_j2ajvpf wrote

Lol yeah YOLO is an exaggeration, i just think the chance even though its low is worth the risk, i can always make that $500 back but for every dollar it goes up past $15 im banking thousands and if we just have a small spike up compared to the large spikes when the market completely died then im making a hefty bag.


third_legatron t1_j2cegqz wrote

Do you understand how uvxy options work? Based on futures contracts.


slambooy t1_j2ar0d2 wrote

Won’t see $15 until it reverse splits after it hits $4 in a couple months.