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Sorry_Setting1196 t1_j293j1v wrote

Read the writing on the wall. People don’t go to the movies to see a movie they want to see, they do it as an experience, like nostalgia. They could watch the movie on a steaming service 9/10 but they choose the movies for the experience.

We have a massive AMC theatre in my area, cost maybe 50million to build, ginormous. This thing sits dormant with like 5 customers year round. In my opinion, movie theatres are like record players, people like them for the nostalgia, movies are maybe a date opportunity but No one really wants to actually go to the movies anymore.

Just not a good investment seeing as though investment and sentiment is leaning ever more towards streaming and online services.

I wish you luck in your investment but I’d not toss a dollar towards brick and mortar theatre chains.