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solovino__ t1_j24o2b9 wrote

Revenue is steadily increasing quarter over quarter, PE is high and Net Margin is low due to reinvestments in the business, PS 1.68.

Already started building a position. Even during the 08 crisis, eBay did not show signs of significant slow down. Online purchasing is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. The world relies on purchases via mail. Perfect time to start buying for me at least. Hoping it continues to drop.


tngman10 t1_j27c19y wrote

Amazon is on my watch list as well but I will say that from a personal perspective in the last year Wal-Mart has gained ground on Amazon and maybe even passed them up at least in the online shopping aspect.

The last several years I done most of my Christmas shopping on Amazon. But this year more than half (almost all for my kids) was done on Wal-Mart. They had better prices on nearly everything. And the things I ordered got here faster as well even though I'm only 20 minutes from an Amazon center.

They also do the in-home grocery delivery which Amazon doesn't do in my area.

I know Amazon is more than just the retail aspect and there is more than enough market share for both companies. Just something I'm keeping my eye on in case my experience isn't unique.


Hacking_the_Gibson t1_j27bfgq wrote

Same here. My current average is $85.

I am also buying just about as much TQQQ as I can get my hands on. Easy 3-4x from here.


unix_enjoyer305 t1_j28bqfw wrote

One major sign for Amazon would be prime subscriptions falling. Until that happens, it's a buy.


Maniksewak t1_j28f8hu wrote

Every quarter in 2022 had less revenue than final quarter in 2021. And their P/E ratio is crazy high. Amazon going down to 50


ElectronicImage9 t1_j25gglp wrote

Why the fuck you buying if you hope it drops. Just buy after it drops regard


solovino__ t1_j25s442 wrote

Idk when the bottom will be. I just know $83 is a fair price and I won’t risk trying to time the market.


sargrvb t1_j25scj7 wrote

You're right, they should try to time the bottom. That has been proven to work mathematically over the years. I know this because I'm very smart.


trentsim t1_j27n7nf wrote

Because it will go back up, and if it drops they'll buy more