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systemfive t1_j1xx21r wrote

How much money we talkin? And what kinda return do we want?

Smart YOLO would be to just dump into AAPL cause at least you won’t kill yourself. But that’s if you have like 25k

If you only have a few grand, Yolo some puts into QQQ and watch the world burn as you make money.


jcodes57 OP t1_j1xxkr1 wrote

70-80k, would love to just double it and GTFO being able to cover car/house/ring in 2023 again. Anything more would be a blessing from on high.

If time horizon is 12-18 months, that effect your input?


JitsISM t1_j1xzxpl wrote

Bro just pull it out and stop trading. You’re not going to make anything back trading with that mindset. You feel like you have 0 but you still have 80K. That’s a lot of money. Plenty for a ring, enough for a small down payment on a house, maybe a decent one if real estate crashes. You’re not ahead but you’re not behind on the scale of things. Having 0 is way worse.


onion4everyoccasion t1_j1ziqy7 wrote

Plus anchoring... Just because you maxxed out at 160k because you caught the gourd futures correctly some random week does not mean that is what you are "worth"


jeromewheeler t1_j1y35du wrote

Just go to a casino if you want to double or nothing you would have better chance prob


systemfive t1_j1xyu25 wrote

If you wanna double within a year… woof. We’re literally at the cusp of a major recession which could last multiple years.

If you have 80k, I say buy something like Exxon or energy/oil. Maybe split 70/30 in a decent blue chip and 30 on a small cap energy and pray the war keeps going.

Pretty sure energy has been up over 50% this year. Exxon is a decent bet. Do a little research and find a small cap that can go from 5 to 10$ or something.

Energy cycles last way more than one year. Lots of tail wind still available. And even if it isn’t as strong, Exxon is a good place to park money


Shadowleg t1_j1y03f2 wrote

this guy does not want a long play


systemfive t1_j1y0u47 wrote

I’m tryna spare him his life lol. 12-18 months is a decent long play for energy/oil tho. Exxon is up 78% YTD with more room to run.

But idk what do I care. GL OP


third_legatron t1_j1y4msm wrote

Bro, I lost 50k from my peak and dude... Just pull it out man. Please, I walked so you can run.

You do not want to feel like I have for 8 months. After I lost it all because I thought, "whatever, it's only money, I'll make it back." My car blew, my girl left me, and I had debt still, because I didn't sell and pay off my dues.

So okay, maybe I'm regarded, but you can at least lose a car and your girl and still have 80k. I'd implore you to keep the money. If you don't wanna keep it, my debt is 11k, and a good nice guy like you would rather help someone in your own shoes right? So 11k to me and then yolo away if you still feel this isn't sad and can't be you. If you think this can't be you, yolo. And prove me wrong.


ShankThatSnitch t1_j1y53en wrote

Buy BAND stock and just hold for a few years, and don't look at it. It is a legit ass company that got beaten into the ground beyond all reason. It just got dragged into the dirt along side other tech and telecom companies.

It is valued less than it was 5 years ago, despite having grown revenue by like 3x, having gone international, and having more than enough cash to last them many year. It wasn't long ago that it got down to a -95% from its highs, basically being priced for a non-existsnt bankruptcy. It is really a no-brainer investment, with easy 5-10x from.these prices.