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Mister_Way t1_j1tesm0 wrote

Guaranteed way to make $1000 is to get a job


one8e4 t1_j1tmpcu wrote

Guarenteed you can make more robbing a bank or casino.

OP never said about being free after.

$5 knife is all the investment you need. Add in free prison accommodation and food. Maybe excellent return


Thundrpigg t1_j1tf7lj wrote

Fill gas tank, drive to job interview, get job, make $1000


Purple-Commission-24 t1_j1ts8cb wrote

Can’t fill the tank for a 100


This-Salt-2754 t1_j1tsr2i wrote

Unless ur driving a 2010 Lincoln Navigator 100$ should be more than a full tank


IndianRegard t1_j1tfeov wrote

You are forgetting the other component in making money grow - time.

It is not just about making 100 into 1000, it is about making 100 into 1000 in a particular time.


xDoomKitty t1_j1tgx7i wrote

Basically this. Given enough time you can easily turn 100$ into 1k$. The trick is doing it in a specific time frame.


IndianRegard t1_j1th7uq wrote

Yes, when a specific time frame is given, then we get to choose which type of investment yield best return to make 100 into 1000.

Shorter the time frame, riskier the choice, higher the probability of 100 going kaput.


EpicTroll93 t1_j1to4kq wrote

Calling tenfolding money „easy“ is the dumbest thing I ever read.

Do you also have a WhatsApp group and a webinar to sell ? 🤣🤣🤣


xDoomKitty t1_j1toskr wrote

You are taking what I said with partial context. I said given enough time, yeah it's easy. Stick $100 bucks in any savings account with 0 fees and any form of interest > 0 and it will eventually become $1,000. Doing it in a specific time span, ie your life span, is the hard part.


rawr_cake t1_j1ti1ec wrote

This is WSB - you turn $1,000 into $100


Noopy9 t1_j1tfmri wrote

Win 4 hands of blackjack in a row and you’ve got 1600$


HonestCup20 t1_j1tgae8 wrote

lol let it ride 4x.. good grief


buenosjuegos t1_j1tlo8k wrote

The odds of winning 4 hands of blackjack are prob higher than picking the right one month spx though.


InteractionSad3538 t1_j1tg2dm wrote

The $100 you can invest in transportation, protection, client gifts, and advertising.

Then, bang 100 fat chicks for 10 bucks a piece. Or 10 really fat chicks for 100 bucks a piece. Fat chicks need love too, they just gotta pay.


yoaklar t1_j1tjzju wrote

This belongs on r/meth


VisualMod t1_j1teqmu wrote

>If you had $100, you could invest in stocks or mutual funds. You could also use the money to start a small business or buy real estate.


nanihog t1_j1tm441 wrote

Sounds like someone just got grandma's Christmas money


Deep_Undercover123 t1_j1thn1x wrote

You are on the wrong site....people here are experts at turning $1000 into $100...they've even got screenshots to prove that, the really good ones can turn $1000 into $10 in minutes (now that's impressive)


cpm80 t1_j1tg8ra wrote

Buy FD AAPL puts 1 minute before market close on the day they report earnings


senordomo t1_j1tmz3p wrote

tyrone will teach you forex


matcha_me t1_j1tf4im wrote

>a small business or buy real estate

Like a lemonade stand or an square inch of land?

It's a $100.

You divide it into $20 chunks and invest in low risk low reward ETFs to high risk high reward stocks. It'll take about a month to 3 months for it to get to $1000 if you're lucky. Invest in fuel, tobacco, computers, gun manufacturers etc.


fkowsoppcknqsocnms t1_j1tfhbq wrote

Give it to me I’ll give you 10x back. This is financial advice


my_name_is_gato t1_j1tie1k wrote

Sell cash secured puts well OTM to build capital, then start shopping closer to ATM or even ITM until assignment. Sell covered calls OTM until you decide to protect your shares by rolling the contract or you again welcome getting your shares called away at a profit. Then sell another cash secured put...

Avoid the wash sale by going out 30+ days or pick a different ticker and do weeklies if you want to maximize theta decay. It is a bit of preference here, mostly in terms of how much you want to monitor your position. Weeklies trade on gamma as much as delta so they need pretty careful attention or you will get burnt if you sell Monday and check Friday.

Aside from a massive market crash or picking a very volatile stock, this is a pretty well tested method of making money in a small portfolio with access to margin. It won't likely make 10x in a month or two, but given time, it will.


Relevant-Nebula8300 t1_j1tmo4p wrote

He can’t cash secure puts with $50-$100 you regard


my_name_is_gato t1_j1tntx9 wrote

With access to margin you illiterate. I'm not saying it is super easy to get the ball rolling. Going way OTM for safety might be necessary despite it meaning a pittance in premiums. I was asked to pave a path to 10x with a tiny amount. I welcome a better idea than a ODTE yolo call.


Relevant-Nebula8300 t1_j1tnz0a wrote

Could day trade it. I know you’re an idiot so let me explain…. You can’t get margin on an account with less than $2000 & besides cash secured puts are secured by your own cash not margin loans


pampitapo t1_j1tgbn7 wrote

Send me $100 and Im gonna make it $1000. Trust me bro.


Dude_8598 t1_j1tgiul wrote

Get some gas and deliver foods for doordash And repeat. You need a lot of money to get in the casino. This is a casino


Hxlim t1_j1th04u wrote

Watch the $SPY trend, buy a call/put for the next couple of days based on that trend and let your $100 ride.


EtherPhreak t1_j1tk2q9 wrote

Buy $100 of water on a hot day, and sell them for $1 each.


coinhunter27 t1_j1tr1ap wrote

Find a corner, make it yours. 🍆


jdcl00 t1_j1tfzho wrote

Get a Job and use the 100$ for commute & other expenses until you get paid.


klliink t1_j1th402 wrote

Put the 100$ into your gas tank and drive to work


Nervous-Structure725 t1_j1thawg wrote

first steps

2nd step goto richest privatest and doucheiest college you can find around and hand out $1 dollar samples ala Half-Baked and just wait around about 20 mins by the campus ATM.

Rinse and repeat, probably change up venues often


Shaneris t1_j1ti9a2 wrote

Roulette wheel, 5 numbers, 20 on each, then again the same a couple times, same numbers if you win first time. Otherwise you lost it all first round. Making 10x your money in short order is always a gamble.


No_Total1594 t1_j1tkhox wrote

start doing simple math in podcasts like “ You can double in one year so 100 becomes 200, 200 - 400, 400 - 800, 800 - 1600. See you are only 4 times away from making it 1000.” You can do it


ToastTurtle t1_j1tki9r wrote

I would do a lot of research on some stocks that don't meed the compliance for this sub and take a shot. To do it in any short time frame it is going to be gambling so make the odds better in your favour by crushing some due diligence. Anything actually worth going into is still going to take a couple years unless you can find a P&D as it is starting but that is what I would do.


wavespeech t1_j1tkodx wrote

Coke, baking soda and college kids.


buenosjuegos t1_j1tlky6 wrote

Train BJJ, wrestling, and boxing for like 3-8 years, investing at least 18000 dollars into all the training. Finally get into a match against a guy who is clearly way better than me. Have someone else bet to win 19000 dollars on the other guy. Try my hardest.

Up 1000 dollars easy


firetocrates t1_j1tmxyv wrote

Take $100 and place it in a passive market index ETF. Don't look at it for 25 years.

In the interim, acquire a rudimentary understanding of math, money and finance, so that you don't keep losing what little money you have on get rich quick schemes and gambling.


Fibocrypto t1_j1to2qk wrote

I'd begin by going to the store and buying some food . After eating I'd write my plan


feedmetacogoodness t1_j1tp0ri wrote

Buy $100 of drugs from Europe where the costs are way cheaper. Sell and repeat...... This plan has some downside like jail or possibly a breaking bad style cartel involvement and death but its probably less risky than some of the bets people make on here 🤣


ineedeth t1_j1trwra wrote

I'd gamble it on shit coins. If I walked into a casino with $100 I would spend it all on one bet not split it up and earn cents on the dollar.

If you want a more serious answer, spend it on a used lawnmower and get to work.


FreeSkeptic t1_j1tsy0r wrote

Pay your dad $100 to invest $50k on puts. You end with $1,000.


JMLobo83 t1_j1ttx9y wrote

Invest in gourd futures


CoolGuys1212 t1_j1twjvi wrote

ES micro Futures. 50$ margin, 1 Point = 5$.


HonestCup20 t1_j1tg7ld wrote

i would put 100 into a large cap stock when it's down, like Fidelity right now.. wait for the 5% jump to go back to normal range, and sell..

now you are at 105.

i would repeat this process over and over and over till that 5% got me to $1000. and that's it.

but that's me.. and i honestly started with about 3k about 3 years ago, and now i'm over 20k, so it's a slow build, but totally worth it if you aren't making crazy trades and trying to beat the market with huge gains.. low risk, 3-5% gains, sell, and do it again. this is the way to make good wealth in a healthy way and will accomplish your goal while establishing a good habbit in trading.


LooneyTerps t1_j1ti52l wrote

Yolo it into an alt coin u could wake up a millionaire, fuck a thousandaire


Hustlebible t1_j1tlz4w wrote

I am a professional advantage player, and it would be very annoying but trivial in terms of risk and difficulty to do that given a few requirements

  1. reside in the right country (in this case, USA)
  2. be of legal gambling age for that country
  3. live near a casino

There are a few methods to do this with, believe it or not, zero risk, it would just be very time consuming and not worth the hourly.
