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VisualMod t1_j2byxzn wrote

>It could be that the market is anticipating future problems for the company, such as declining revenues or increasing expenses. It's also possible that investors are concerned about the overall direction of the economy and believe that RITM will underperform other investments in a recessionary environment.


ABena2t t1_j2bzabj wrote

literally everything is going down.


MediumRB t1_j2bzgzy wrote

It's a casino. Your college finance course is based on rationality, but the world beyond natural sciences is not.


Khakikadet t1_j2bzpl1 wrote

I think it's going down because I pee pee poo poo in the big stock market computer


vacityrocker t1_j2bzxem wrote

Those who have more than you want to squeeze you out too!!! The squeeze doesn't just happen on the short side...


Civil_Ad_7068 t1_j2c1vg1 wrote

They have almost 30 bil in debt compared to 7 bil in equity, are a real estate investment firm, and interest rates are projected to stay high/keep increasing which will both decrease their profitability and could increase their cost of debt.


GetnLine t1_j2c224d wrote

In this market just short everything that should be going up


yerdad99 t1_j2c2cj2 wrote

Agree with you. Business is going to deteriorate for these folks over the next year for sure given the end markets they serve. That dividend looks nice and juicy but doubt that will be maintained


TheSneedles t1_j2c4x3e wrote

REITS got booty blasted by Covid crash and never came back. Because 1.) all the money got moved into risk assets(stonks ) but now it’s getting moved from risk assets to safe shit and bonds cause we in recession town.

You’re fucked dude