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togetherwem0m0 t1_j6okom8 wrote

George Washington and the founding fathers would like a word


more_magic_mike t1_j6olz2o wrote

America was very lucky, it became the greatest country in modern history, but it could have easily turned out like the French Revolution(s).

It also had the second amendment added which was a pretty important piece here.


togetherwem0m0 t1_j6p0dc8 wrote

Revolutions are never clean. But I don't like what you're inferring that the French revolution led to overall bad outcomes and would be better having never happened, and people should just know their station and go along to get along. I believe your thesis is incorrect.

The American revolution was a messy affair as well, the only thing that made it less so was the Atlantic Ocean and the natural inhibition of supply lines from the European powers. But it was not clean and tidy. It was bloody af