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pigsgetfathogsdie t1_j6lk09j wrote

That’s the diabolical thing about consumer staple inflation…

Prices inflate…but they never go down.

Companies will only reduce prices if demand tanks.

And, demand for consumer staples never tanks…because consumer staples…are staples.

Will the Fed reflect this in their data?…nah…this is little people problems.


1200poundgorilla t1_j6lsqwt wrote

Exactly, once they figure that they can keep the prices there and demand doesn't go down, why on earth would you lower your prices?


teth21 t1_j6m23x9 wrote

Other companies can lower prices then and take market share


Expensive-Concert-41 t1_j6m2brc wrote

I <3 capitalism I hope that comes soon


MercyFive t1_j6m3k0o wrote

I only know of one big chicken processor.....


stockrot t1_j6mdqt8 wrote

Actually 2 but they definitely price fix. Purdue and Tyson. It is uncanny when the two come out with weekly wholesale prices always the same


Random_Guy_47 t1_j6mcf9z wrote

Or they can raise their prices too and keep the same market share but make more money with that share.

Unfortunately the greedy bastards are all going with option 2.


1200poundgorilla t1_j6m3lsk wrote

We're seeing that play out in the electric car space right now. And that would be something that would lower demand, theoretically. But if everyone is keeping their prices higher than we think they should, they're either selling out the inventory they're able to stock, there could be collusion, or several other things happening... img


j12 t1_j6lr02w wrote

This is big brain


Unable-Ad3852 t1_j6lipyd wrote

It's organic bro and dead of winter. Cows stop producing that much milk late autumn. They're waiting for the bull market. Go to Wally for a good 4.35/gallon. Half of it might be calcium paint but you still need it for bone growth.


Proper-View1308 t1_j6lt1vn wrote

As someone who worked for Costco for 5 years and has owned the stock for over 8 years.

Costco is actively losing money on purpose on all of these inflated prices and using their membership to compensate.

OP is a fucking moron. Every time we buy eggs, we cost the company money.

They legitimately have a profit cap of 10-15% on all items. All essentials are loss leaders.


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m2uht wrote

Hey this is reddit, where everyone pretends to be smart and spew some bullshit without knowing half the truth.


slambooy t1_j6mc8rn wrote

I just bought four dozen eggs for $12 or $3/dozen. cheapest place I saw eggs anywhere… OP has never been to Costco.


MogamboKushhua468 OP t1_j6m73qm wrote

Bill shit..even tough COVID times Costco generated $5.8 Billion net profit…you mean to say all this from membership?

See below extract from costco

We had strong operating results in fiscal 2022. Net sales for the 52-week fiscal year totaled $222.7 billion, an increase of 16%, with a comparable sales increase of 14%. Net income for the 52-week fiscal year was $5.8 billion, or $13.14 per diluted share, an increase of 17%.Dec 7, 2022


Proper-View1308 t1_j6me1bt wrote

It seems to be literally exactly from the membership

$60 x 100,000,000 members lol


Payorfixyourself t1_j6lis2v wrote

Costco is straight fucking you Trader Joe’s selling organic whole milk $6 gallon. Costco is such a rip off these days there is practically no actual good deals in the place


jasandliz t1_j6ljj5u wrote

Costco ain’t what it used to be, that’s for sure.


Payorfixyourself t1_j6lkorv wrote

It’s because they have tons of market share and don’t have to actually compete as they have a massive base that just mindlessly shops there. Sure you might get a deal on some random motor oil. When you buy any staples though or meat you will overpay 30%. It’s literally what their banking on.


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m2ms5 wrote

What? Not true for me. Meat is way cheaper and better quality at Costco.

And its only random if it doesnt apply to you. For those that actually use the motor oil they carry, its a deal.


BagelsRTheHoleTruth t1_j6mb62v wrote

Honestly, there's a lot of stupid Costco hate going on here. Their meat is a fantastic deal, and excellent quality, rotisserie chickens for five bucks, gas is the cheapest in town, and if you're not an idiot who impulse buys shit you don't need, you save a bundle on bulk items that are as high quality as name brand. Sure, prices on certain items are probably higher than you're able to find elsewhere, but I guarantee my membership is going to pay for itself like ten times over this year.


Payorfixyourself t1_j6md5ie wrote

Yeah it’s such a deal like the baby back ribs that are $2lb more expensive then when the grocery store has on sale. I bought choice rib eye roasts back at December for $6lb. Cut them into ribeye steaks and put them in the freezer. Or you know like $16lb at Costco…… Hey they have choice tritips for $8.99lb or wait…. $4lb when on sale at the local grocery store. Well shit but hey there is a hot dog and that rotisserie chicken! Yeah no like seriously nope Costco is not a good deal. If you bother to buy stuff when it’s on sale at grocery store you can definitely get cheaper then Costco. You also proving my entire point about the motor oil. How many jugs of motor oil you use a month vs how many gallons of milk. That’s the entire business model. Give you a deal on something you use not a lot of and then over charge you on your staple goods.


therealcosmicl t1_j6lliys wrote

The rotisserie chicken and hot dog. Great policies for returns and exchanges, it's got it's charms


jasandliz t1_j6llzc9 wrote

The return policy is also not what it used to be.


Emotional-Most-1933 t1_j6lml3e wrote

How you figure?


jasandliz t1_j6ouhkq wrote

They now have policies to at first tell you their records only go back so far and than offer you a refund the lowest discounted price they sold it for. They say this When they have easy access to all of your transactions no matter how far back. The cashiers also make you feel like a jackass and say things like “it looks like you got your money’s worth”. This is my experience recently. It really REALLY changed my opinion about Costco and there return policy. The policy is “no, sorry no record of this” followed by “well maybe my supervisor can approve this but not for what you paid for it” then when you raise hell, suddenly they find your transaction and say “of course we would never not let you return it”. This is procedure for profit and it is NOT what the return policy states.


Emotional-Most-1933 t1_j6pift5 wrote

Well when you see people returning Christmas trees in January I'm sure they get jaded. I wanted to say something to the guy but decided to move on.


jasandliz t1_j6pjgur wrote

My case was a tool which should have had lifetime warranty. It is still offered at Costco and I definitely did not feel like I was “getting my monies worth” and I expected to be made whole again - despite it being 10 years. I am not the person returning mattresses, generators or Christmas trees.


Dry_Bank_3516 t1_j6m9ok0 wrote

Realistically you just go there for cheap food. For $5 you can get a hot dog, slice of pizza and a drink.


Payorfixyourself t1_j6meekp wrote

That’s exactly what their banking on also. It’s the feel good for buying a bunch of other stuff at above sale price so you feel good about what you got. That food court area full of Tellatubies cramming their mouths with cheap junk food.


Devilnutz2651 t1_j6lid5z wrote

Look at this fucking guy, being able to afford milk


melanthius t1_j6lvffb wrote

You used to be able to steal that shit from Starbucks so easily


StochasticDecay t1_j6lii76 wrote

Why would anyone buy organic milk? Organic is just a marketing term with not material differences in nutritional content.


RockyattheTop t1_j6ljf6x wrote

I’m all for eating healthy, but yeah pretty much. Morgan Spurlock did his follow up to Super Size Me on this, and it’s insane how little they have to do to call something organic. He opens a chicken restaurant, and gets to call the chickens free range because there is a 1ft by 1ft opening in the nasty ass barn thing they keep all the chickens in. On another note Costco rocks. Haven’t raised the price of rotisserie chicken, $1.50 hot dog and drink, and Romain lettuce is like $3.99 for 6 pieces. Fuck you talking about Costco is expensive OP, learn how to feed yourself in a recession you bougie ass fuck. Puts on your financial future.


jasandliz t1_j6ljwbi wrote

Counterpoint. No onions, deli mustard or polish dogs makes the dogs bland and not worth it. If your costco is a busy one you have to fight off the horde to get a chicken. They only make so many.


fixerdrew02 t1_j6lmv0q wrote

God i hate the horde. And those fat fucks that take more than their share of free samples


stonky808 t1_j6luur1 wrote

What about the slobs that put their hands all over every single rotisserie chicken inspecting it like there is one special one. Tons of disgusting fks do this….


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m39u5 wrote

This is why I wipe my groceries. Too many nasty ass fucks exist and ive seen too much shit on the internet to know people can be fuckin disgusting, to the point where I dont even want to touch whatever they touched.

Reminds me of a post I read today on here. Some dude had a party and someone shit in his oven and turned it on. Like wtf.... i cant even wrap my head around that we are all the same species with these digusting fucks.


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m31ax wrote

Not just the food and groceries, Ive had great experiences with the optical and tire centers also. Great customer service too. Not to mention the return policy/prorated tires


AKblazer45 t1_j6m31kt wrote

The even better thing is large scale actual organic growing is crazy inefficient, and in a lot of cases less environmentally friendly than regular practices.


slambooy t1_j6mcec7 wrote

Why would anyone drink milk anyway? 🤢


Payorfixyourself t1_j6liw0f wrote

You are so wrong it’s not even funny. Clearly showing you have no clue what an organic product is or how it is produced.


suuupreddit t1_j6lp8jl wrote

Counterpoint: Every jther store around me has eggs for $5+/dozen, Costco has them for ~$3.00.


[deleted] t1_j6m27pt wrote



TheThirdThigh t1_j6m3u75 wrote

This is reddit, most on here are dumb as shit. They love to hop on any bandwagon to hate on a brand/company.

I mean shitting on Costco? Where the fuck do they shop then lol. Im willing to bet wherever they get groceries from that company is probably more profit driven than Costco.


MogamboKushhua468 OP t1_j6m7i5b wrote

Not sure which costco you are talking… Two - one gallon organic milk in box. Not cardboard… that’s is further rip off..


ss68and66 t1_j6lp0zg wrote

Where the fk have you been the past two years, it's not Costco it's everything everywhere.


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j6ll0ae wrote

Inflation is a 6.5% and dropping according to the “numbers”. It’s transitory. You’ll live


BiblicalRevolution t1_j6lrex7 wrote

Yeah that's a positive spin on it but the fact is that wages aren't rising in turn, so it's unreasonable to think this is okay.


bellytan t1_j6lu9se wrote

Cost is average mark up is 10 percent vs other retailers is insanely low. That’s why people love them is generally for the products your gettin it’s a good price.


TheOnlyOption_ t1_j6lic3y wrote

They gotta make that money for the shareholders somehow lol , the richer get richer and the poor get poorer


cough_landing_on_you t1_j6lxqqc wrote

The food stamp emergency allotment is ending, lets see if this pattern continues.


dr_set t1_j6m4za2 wrote

Things are worth as much as consumers are willing to pay for them. If Costco rises the price of organic milk by 20% and consumers still buy it in sufficient quantity, they will keep rising the price until they find the max price that consumers are willing to pay for the product. In other words, don't fucking buy overpriced shit from greedy companies.


Payorfixyourself t1_j6mf59r wrote

And this is reason I don’t shop at Costco as for the vast majority of items it’s a rip off. They do have some hard to find things occasionally at a good deal otherwise I don’t buy from them as ain’t worth it.


ak80048 t1_j6lqwya wrote

Mogambo kush hua only the real ones know


EnigmaSpore t1_j6lwg9k wrote

What. Y’all thought the big corporations were just going to absorb the hit and let their margins slip?

That’s a no no per the shareholders board.

Whatchu gonna do? Not eat? Pay up peasants.

We’ll still give y’all $1.50 hot dogs & sodas though.


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m3n84 wrote

Do you just read posts on reddit and go on to make idiotic comments? How much are a dozen eggs at your costco?


EnigmaSpore t1_j6m40as wrote

Dozen eggs? Bruh… it’s costco. They dont sell a measly dozen eggs.

They do sell hot dogs & sodas for a nice $1.50 tho.


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m4jh0 wrote

.....2 dozen then. My point is its cheaper than your other grocery stores. Idk what ppl gain from hating on costco, but everyone else is raising prices too, costco is still cheapest for me.

And nobody is talking about the hot dogs, idk why you are so fixated on it


EnigmaSpore t1_j6mcm06 wrote

Dude. You’re on wallstreetbets. Who cares what people hate’n on or love’n here. It’s a damn gambling subreddit.

Get a buck fiddy hot dog n coke and relax. Maybe a chicken bake too. They make em fresh every day.


Billionairess t1_j6ly76t wrote

Friendly reminder costco could announce jan 2023 sales by this week, worth playing some weeklies. Puts or calls I've no idea.


alwayslookingout t1_j6lzzle wrote

I’ve found their prices still very competitive but then again I’m not rich enough to buy organic milk. Maybe you should drink regular milk if you can’t afford the extra $2.


renok_archnmy t1_j6m27ur wrote

Prices never come down. Only salaries come down.


Dick_tint8779 t1_j6m461n wrote

The basket of goods I buy from Costco is still far cheaper than any competitor. Anyone needing to budget should be price checking and paying accordingly. When you equate money to time, it is DEFINITELY worth it to do this. Nowadays, it’s a lot easier too. All of these corps post their prices online anymore, so you can directly compare prices before even putting your shoes on. Milk seems cheapest at Kroger right now. Eggs are cheapest at Albertsons. Bread seems to be a sale item, where if you don’t find a sale for it, you pay a premium. I saved hundreds of dollars, potentially more, just by comparing before I left and bought shit. “Convenience” pricing is gutting the middle class, and has been increasingly for decades


Dick_tint8779 t1_j6m49ie wrote

I’m not saying this in a way to tell people to “pull themselves up”, or anything like that. I got 2 kids and work at a grocery store. I just want to pass the advice on to anyone who cares about their personal finances in such dire times. If I didn’t budget, we wouldn’t make it.


MogamboKushhua468 OP t1_j6m81w3 wrote

20+ years shopping at Costco, in last two years Organic Milk went from 5.99 to $12.99 which I think something is not right


NiceAsset t1_j6m69mf wrote

Hey bet y’all dumbasses didn’t know that Costco generally doesn’t make “shit” off their food and bev? Yeah, over 90% of costcos income is from MEMBERSHIPS; those eggs are basically at cost


MogamboKushhua468 OP t1_j6m8dvi wrote

90% of 5.8 Billion is from Membership = $5.2 Billion

$50 membership

Or Approx 114 Million membership?

Normally people shopping in Costco = Average family of 4

Total 114 x 4 = Approx 440 Million people dependent on Costco… US population is not 440. million

Your statement is not right

We had strong operating results in fiscal 2022. Net sales for the 52-week fiscal year totaled $222.7 billion, an increase of 16%, with a comparable sales increase of 14%. Net income for the 52-week fiscal year was $5.8 billion, or $13.14 per diluted share, an increase of 17%.Dec 7, 2022


NiceAsset t1_j6mujpq wrote

It is right; you are just looking at the surface (also, costs are like $60 and $120 for membership, not 50)


guyb5693 t1_j6m89lf wrote

It’s because of inflation in agricultural input prices (materials, fuel, labour), currently 20-30% up compared to 1 year ago.


Questo417 t1_j6m8z06 wrote

dunno about dairy, but the egg thing is probably because of the recent avian flu killing a bunch of birds. Eggs are a component in at least some breads, so it could be affecting that pricing too.


o9iummm t1_j6mbfla wrote

Oh no 11.99 for a GALLON of orgasmic milk. How will we survive?


SteelmanINC t1_j6mdzbk wrote

Bro I bought a single onion yesterday for 2 dollars. Shits insane


chikken_hawk t1_j6lmixu wrote

I dropped my membership cause those Costco sons of whores are no longer cheaper for anything except shit tickets,and the bastards don't even sell charmin. Fuck that cult


grnhockey t1_j6loeq1 wrote

I’ve been buying Costco brand TP for years and have yet to poke thru to my asshole… at least not by accident 😉


chikken_hawk t1_j6mvrh8 wrote

Lmao. Its not a poking issue for me. Charmin is like wiping my ass with a pillowy cloud sent from the gods


Antique-Flight-5358 t1_j6lnduw wrote

Saying it again. Buy puts... people can't afford shares... Need to trade them in for food... Else die... If dead diamond hands but still not buying more shares... Price flat... Not worth starving for... conclusion... Buy puts


adi_00_ t1_j6luc3t wrote

Hey, offtopic but can I get ur avatar for 25$?


9tacos t1_j6lrwdb wrote

Fuck I have to go tomorrow. So sick of this place.


VisualMod t1_j6lhot9 wrote

>It's no surprise that Costco is making big profits off of basic necessities like eggs, milk and bread. They know that people need these things and they're taking advantage of the situation by charging higher prices. This is just another example of how rich people are screwing over everyone else.


Olderandwiser1 t1_j6lpqy8 wrote

Bought 2 dozen XL eggs for $6.29 last week. Yes, that’s expensive, but everywhere else is charging a lot more than $3.15 per dozen for large ones. You can’t just buy without checking prices, but generally they are cheaper on most things.


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m3iiy wrote

People on reddit say Costco is inflating prices on essentials and profiting, but you and I both go to our local Costco and its literally the cheapest place to get eggs at the moment.

Idk why people just regurgitate bullshit when it really doesnt affect them at all. You dont like Costco, dont shop at Costco.


NiceAsset t1_j6m5z8n wrote

Most WSB posters are low/middle class who probably don’t have Costco memberships. I just got the fucking tastiest organic eggs from Costco last week that were blue with a deep orange yolk. Delicious. That, paired with their organic milk is a fantastic breakfast. I’m sure it cost more than McDonald’s but then again what the fuck do I know about inflation I just buy shit I want/need. (Ps their rewards card if fucking awesome, I got $1100 back last year )


Payorfixyourself t1_j6mfix5 wrote

I bought organic milk $6 gallon and organic eggs $4.25 a dozen. Neither came from Costco. I don’t know what the current organic egg price is. It’s probably higher then $4.25 at my local Costco.


NiceAsset t1_j6musle wrote

its about 7.99 at your local g-store


Payorfixyourself t1_j6nfuce wrote

4.25 per dozen of organic eggs at Trader Joe’s not 7.99


NiceAsset t1_j6ng3ep wrote

Well then wtf is everybody complaining about?


Payorfixyourself t1_j6ngbsw wrote

Don’t know I shop around so I don’t overpay in the first place.


NiceAsset t1_j6nixal wrote

So then you probably agree with me there is a huge exaggeration of this “egg crisis “ where on average eggs are probably up $0.50-$1 max and it’s really not a big deal…. Only it’s a huge deal to the bottom 1-5% of the population and of course, as all things government, let us all overreact to a minority (in number of people) issue


Olderandwiser1 t1_j6nk6d6 wrote

In general, I have found that Costco prices on most items beat those in grocery stores and even Walmart. In many cases, I don’t buy the Costco item, not because it’s too expensive, but because I don’t need the large quantity, either number of items or size. I’ve gotten large packages of food with an expiration date 18 months away and find myself still throwing things away. Costco TP and paper towels last forever, but bags of dried cranberries and the like definitely don’t last forever. Many sizes and quantities are a great value for large families, not so much for just 2 people. This is especially true for perishables. 6 large red peppers are a great deal, but the last 2, or even 3, end up wrinkled and decaying by the time we use them. OTOH, as long as you have the room, you can’t beat them for non-perishables. Given the price of gas these days, running around looking for sales items generally doesn’t make any sense. Everybody dislikes some store they avoid. For us, Costco isn’t one of them.


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j6llp61 wrote

It’s called price gouging and many companies are under investigation for doing it. What really needs to happen is these mfrs need to accept that they cannot continue to post record high profits and the CEO’s may need to take a few years off from their egregiously large bonuses for doing NOTHING


Payorfixyourself t1_j6lizze wrote

Yep Costco is such a rip off place. There is the od deal here or there otherwise just a straight up rip off


TheThirdThigh t1_j6m3jw8 wrote

Bro if you think costcos a ripoff I would love to hear where you shop


Payorfixyourself t1_j6mdp3i wrote

I shop at the other grocery stores and pick up stuff when it’s on sale and put in my freezer. Ain’t that fucking hard. Got a freezer in the garage completely full of meat. It’s all cheaper than Costco.


NiceAsset t1_j6m63ep wrote

You, like most plebs out there are under the misconception costco is a discount dollar store for bulk items. It’s none of that. Might suggest you go the Sam’s club route if you want cow fodder


Payorfixyourself t1_j6mdzdr wrote

Yawn oh yay another person who can’t stand seeing someone say Costco a rip off. I have everything from bacon to king crab in my freezer and none of its from Costco you pleb. You are under the misconception that Costco got good prices.


NiceAsset t1_j6muopk wrote

oh wow, king crab? Holy shit you must belong in /r/FatFIRE


Few_Repeat t1_j6limg8 wrote

We are in an egg shortage. They had to execute 57 million birds cuz the bird flu


fixerdrew02 t1_j6ln2gg wrote

Should that make my chicken tenders cheap or are dead chickens with bird flu no good to eat


NiceAsset t1_j6m6cwr wrote

Yeah there is a reason it’s also called foul