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unknownpanda121 t1_j6gfi1h wrote

Explain this to me like I have a brain injury.


Emotional-Swimmer-22 t1_j6glcb8 wrote

This chart is your heartbeat trading options


squirea1 t1_j6hwtph wrote

This has almost zero significance in the majority of options trades ever conducted.


Additional_Bed_3195 t1_j6gkm7c wrote

Average days too cover is directly related to the outstanding shares sold short and the corresponding daily volume on a single stock. So if 1 million shares are sold short and the average volume of that stock is 100k. Short days to cover is calculated at 10


Silent_nutsack t1_j6jnrwx wrote

Yeah I never understood why this days to cover metric became a thing here. Daily vol isn’t a static value, too many moving parts in the formula IMO


mlamping OP t1_j6ge8jj wrote

Since November, looks like shorts began to cover, when we probably got the good cpi print and things squeezed up. But looks like some shorts re entered.

This could get interest, if we get a .25 rate hike or even 0, and good outlook, this means some shorts will massively cover.

We are potentially in an epic move up.

Just a good chart for you regards to ingest

Graph shows shorts since beginning last year. For all stocks, it’s the average days to cover.

Meaning that if you overlay spy, you can see when spy began a dump and the price it would theoretical bounce to if shorts went back to where they were at the beginning of the year


fenriswulfwsb t1_j6gg5vx wrote

The purity of this hopium is unreal. Some Hizenberg level shit right thar.


mlamping OP t1_j6ggrfn wrote

It’s just a chart, no hopium, shit can go either way. It’s just a good data point showing if the market gets more bullish this week, these shorts will be in trouble. That’s all. This is data, you should understand what hopium means


fenriswulfwsb t1_j6giiwa wrote

The hopium is even suggesting a 0-Bps is on the table for this meeting.


fuglysc t1_j6gjjyr wrote

And for suggesting we will rally more with a 0.25 rate if it isn't already priced in 😂

Wouldn't put it past market to go up another couple of %...but these bulls are getting greedy


mlamping OP t1_j6gmybb wrote

0.25 follows the thesis of a wait and see for next hike, meaning no increase next time. And also validates that possibility that they’ve hiked to high to fast, and that we may need to reverse course.

Just one of the hypotheticals.

This isn’t coming from me, or just out of thin air. Not sure why you wsb regards all pile on the same beliefs. This is just different data points to act upon.

Also, even burry believes this, that they’ll reverse course and cut, and possibly cause a double recession and inflation


fuglysc t1_j6gp7os wrote

LoL...0.25 is priced in ok?

0.25 has been priced in for quite a long'd know this if you paid attention to the fedwatch meter at CME

What isn't priced in is if Powell said they are pausing after this 0.25 hike....if that happened, then markets would be likely to rally further

And dipshit...don't refer to us as "WSB regards" when you're here spouting shit you think you're some sort of messiah amongst us heathen? posting your theories or DD or whatever the fuck you choose to post in this subreddit means you're a WSB regard like the rest of us


mlamping OP t1_j6gpcno wrote

I’m a regard as well.

But don’t label my shit hopium. It’s just a chart. F off


fuglysc t1_j6gpzyg wrote

LoL...your shit IS hopium

Look at your original mentioned there was a possibility of no rate hike

There is absolutely no possibility of no rate hike

It's 25 basis points...ok? Next time, use the CME Fed watch monitor


toeofcamell t1_j6i1y9j wrote

I say a 50 basis rate hike is coming, everybody is going to freak out and the market will dip


Historical-Egg3243 t1_j6kd25l wrote

Who is dumb enough to short the market on the idea that the fed is going to surprise the market with 50bps?


itachisasuked t1_j6geepf wrote

Wtf does this mean


Papazio t1_j6h8agu wrote

The number of days it would take of buying back stock (based on recent average volume) to cover total short positions.


Gerthkwake t1_j6ghz0e wrote

SHORT SQUEEZE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


toeofcamell t1_j6i28fi wrote

Yes the same one you’ve waited for for 3 years, it’s any day now


SproutedWinkle t1_j6ifh5l wrote

What is the source of data and / or the platform? Is that a weekly pattern there? Going up and down? Hence the “weeklys” term?