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gamesexposed t1_j61aiig wrote

Not a problem when the government will just print you some money and bail you out


TopOk4039 t1_j619zp7 wrote

The market can remain irrational longer... you know the rest


T0asterFork t1_j61e4bm wrote

Longer than 4 hours you should see a doctor? Got it, calls on blue pills


reddig33 t1_j61ezm4 wrote

People who love a bargain don’t give a shit about customer abuse. See also Spirit Airlines.


bradadams5000 t1_j61cgkh wrote

I think people feel the airline business is on an upswing and they feel that Southwest will do ok moving forward. I'm not airline business fan myself and don't have any airline stocks.


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j61lthx wrote

Another example of the absolute idiocy that the current market is moving in. There’s no following fundamentals or even TA. it’s just a shit show


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j61m4ie wrote

Idk if y’all fly a lot or not; i used to fly pretty regularly like once a week at the MINUMUM for several years. I would petty much do ANYTHING I could to ONLY fly JetBlue domestically. Idk how any of these other airlines are making any money with the way they treat their customer base. It blows my mind


Casualredum t1_j61pjx3 wrote

Because the market does the opposite. Check this out, it’s simple. Let’s say you want to buy calls. Yet you should have done the opposite and bought puts. Same for company. When a company does good. It drops likes a turd. Aka fucking your calls. When the company does shit. It goes up. Aka fucking your puts. It’s simple as that.


Melodic_Fee5400 t1_j62x026 wrote

Because the biggest rugpull ever is coming img