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Meat__Head t1_j6nvolb wrote

MCD beat earnings and dropped in price. Nothing is rational in this market. It's literally a casino. So I'm just sticking with ETFs at the moment.


PrinterTrader OP t1_j6nws8x wrote

Nah man putas always print rememer!


BenefitAutomatic6092 t1_j6nxnro wrote

They are bending me over right now. Gunna ride these contracts to 0 with hope of a massive explosion somewhere sending the market in a downward turn


Firesaleatthebuy t1_j6o9b18 wrote

Always remember the market always goes down


Turbiedurb t1_j6p0vai wrote

>MCD beat earnings and dropped in price.

The earnings themselves mean basicly nothing compared to the expectations the markets had on the report.

>Nothing is rational in this market.

Not to be rude, but it's not "irrational" just because you don't get it.

>So I'm just sticking with ETFs at the moment.

That doesn't have to be bad at all. Which ones are you holding?


Meat__Head t1_j6p4atz wrote

BlackRock S&P 500 index fund. Just raised my contribution from 5% to 12.5%. Some of that is matched. 4% of which goes into my pension and the other 8.5%, I can manage to my choosing.


Whaleoilbefuked t1_j6orl9n wrote

Proof that there is a recession is if McDonald’s beats earnings to broke to eat anything else img