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Humble_Umpire_8341 t1_j6jclkb wrote

100% correct. They’re leveraging the money printer that is AWS to invest in and buy other things. Some investments will take years to grow as stated.

IMO, they’re getting to be more similar to GE in the 90s, a position I maintain and others in these threads tend to staunchly disagree with. However, they’re seemingly in all consumer categories now (health, food, consumables, IT, entertainment, etc). Just ensures that the “growth” never ends.

Bezos is on the record as saying Amazon is getting too big and companies that too big tend to fail for one reason or another. At some point a Amazon CEO or then it’s will elect to sell of or divide the company as a means of streamlining the business. Just MO - don’t down vote me to much


MAC3113 OP t1_j6jeib8 wrote

Right, once they get too big, anti-trust could become a pertinent issue.


Humble_Umpire_8341 t1_j6jp2lx wrote

Not even anti trust, just the over dependence on AWS to pay for everything, eventually shareholders will get upset and demand a better performing stock and management might be stuck with little options but to break things up.