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DitchWitchh t1_j6ob2d9 wrote

Reply to comment by kpdon1 in Zamn ! by HarpyRox

Oh like no other nations steal lives and money. Besides just about everywhere. It's a world connected market.


kpdon1 t1_j6oev6p wrote

True but most of them do it in their own lands. Not send their army all over the world in the name of justice and do scummy things in the dark. Iraq Cuba Venezuela Vietnam African nations, the list is endless. Just google USA war crimes lol.

Compared to all that, India China etc are like noobs in this area.

Clearly you know nothing about USA or anywhere else to get at that generic conclusion.


DitchWitchh t1_j6pebno wrote

That's only US involved wars. During that time span there have been many other nations committing their own atrocities. There's also wealth disparities world wide. Think of what just happened in Qatar with how many workers died for a soccer stadium. This whole stock market situation you're a part of? Contributes to the ruined lives
