Submitted by DownTownXabi t3_10qcilj in wallstreetbets

Listen up you little creeps-

Long Google person here giving you one last opportunity to get on this train before it pulls out of the station, which is happening on Thursday when reporting earnings. The only information you really need is that big money (Dodge & Cox, Fidelity, etc.) have recently increased positions. But if you need more than that, there have been some revenue-generating changes the company has made which even the invertebrates among you will have noticed.

First, Youtube now makes you sit through two advertisements before watching a video. This was new in mid 2022, and there was some complaining right after it happened, but now we all blindly accept it, continuing to watch Call me Maybe on repeat. We have hundreds of millions of mouth breathers, simultaneously, staring into their computers right now watching endless loops of horrid music, self-help, "my year building a log cabin," "the REAL reason we dont see Bam Margera anymore," and other assorted drivel. Every single time they watch something to try to delay their lives they are getting 2 ads. Youtube revenue for the quarter will be higher YOY 10%.

You may have also noticed, for those of you using Chrome, that Google is assembling all of your passwords; to your fidelity account, your facebook and your grinder. This is going to be used to act as a new way to log in to your computer, meshing Chrome into your every action. Further, G Suite started charging a subscription fee starting in May 2022.

Regarding the DOJ investigating and bringing charges against Google for its domination of online advertising, that will not change what the earnings were, and since when does being investigated or even charged by the DOJ mean anything? Epstein was investigated and charged by DOJ before getting a high school hall pass from Alex Acosta, DOJ went after Augusta National, DOJ said the Sprint T-Mobile merger shouldn't happen because consumers would get hurt, but none of it amounted to diddly. They might have to pay a fine after Googles lawyers bog this down for a year or more, but rest assured it will be back to business as usual, soaking up our collective attention like a giant tampon.

The only bad news is. Nancy dropped her shares. I dont know for sure why she would give up her precious tendies, but she maybe had to come up with some cash quickly to buy her husband a new head.

The company shows earnings per share of $5, PE of 20, and is trading at a historically cheap price.

You're welcome.



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Meat__Head t1_j6p8d1v wrote

Even beating earnings isn't a guarantee to a stock price increasing. MCD beat earnings today and dropped $6 a share, lol


Fuman20000 t1_j6pa1mf wrote

In todays market, it does. You can literally have shit guidance and net growth and vice versa, it doesn’t matter. MMs and algos look for ANY fake ass reason to pump.


sanfrantokyotron t1_j6peiz4 wrote

Google ads typically sell on an auction model, so Youtube doubling ads does not equal double revenue if advertisers keep their budget constant. Google adding a subscription fee to GSuite may help, but it also could just push users back to Microsoft given that Office 365 is better than GSuite. Ultimately Google's earnings are mostly going to depend on how much companies spent on advertising, which typically gets reduced during recession environments.


VisualMod t1_j6p6c91 wrote

>Thanks for the heads up! I'll be sure to buy Google stock before Thursday.


Same_Class5866 t1_j6pgxyg wrote

Don't mess up my calls posting this people are gonna inverse you 😥😥


PotentialShower694 t1_j6pai9h wrote

Not sure about chrome doing passwords. But there's a bigger story to chrome. It's basically a monopoly. Most of the competitors are based on it.

And we all know google is smart. So what will they do? They will stop ad blockers from working. This has in fact already begun.


bbatardo t1_j6pc4q6 wrote

I have some long positions in Google, so I am somewhat biased, but I don't expect an earnings pop right now and if anything could become a buying opportunity when it dips in a few days. Guess we will see.