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sameteam t1_j6lgzvo wrote

If Elon musk wasn’t such a full of shit hype boy autist cunt muscle no one would care. But he is so the fact that none of his shit actually works as he promises and he can’t deliver anything on time. The cyber truck is never getting made. You can’t build a consumer car that is bullet proof with unbreakable glass. On complete regards are still hyping this shit company. Source : owned a Tesla, sold for a profit.


tryingtolearn117 t1_j6m25jy wrote

Out of curiosity, what do you think the new Giga Presses are for, if not Cybertruck?


sameteam t1_j6m3gpa wrote

It is not to make a stainless steel vehicle with no crumple zones that will murder both its occupants and anything unlucky enough to be in its way when it’s broke ass “autopilot” decides to go kill mode.

Maybe this is why the cyber truck has blown its deadline so massively. Some poor fuck finally told Elon that nothing about the cyber truck is actually going to happen the way he wants it to.