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cesvilmal t1_j6lrvdc wrote

Just look at literally anyone else who is trying to solve the fsd problem and tell me if they're exclusively using cameras. It's not just me saying it. The absolute fanaticism for Tesla really blinds people to the fact that not every incredibly brilliant individual works for Tesla. And btw, I am not including myself as an incredibly brilliant individual.


Dear_Ebb_5181 t1_j6ltjap wrote

Tell me one company who has access to the sheer amount of data required to pull off Tesla’s approach. There is a reason no one is even attempting to brute force their way to autonomy like tesla is… its a complete lack of training data


mlamping OP t1_j6ltyeo wrote

No, it’s that all the tech they built in 2008 to do it is outdated and they have to continue because they spent billions on lidars and other expensive sensors.

How I know? I know ppl at some of these top fsd contenders. Using LiDAR or camera to sense the world are so close in efficiency that the cost for LiDAR etc is stupid. That’s why many LiDAR based fsd companies are old and the new ones are all camera based.

LiDAR main advantage was distance and range sensing. 5 cameras, and video stitching along with the software solved that 5 years ago. Hence why the talk of fusion multiple sensor types together is stupid. You can do range and distance with cameras pretty well


opAnonxd t1_j6m22to wrote

i thought he was going to put a mix of lidar and cameras... for the moments the camera cant pick up the lidar can.


edit: stated older models wont get fsd due to this.


cesvilmal t1_j6luiqy wrote

No company has as much data as Tesla, and yet, fsd is still not working... I'm sure it will soon though, any day. It's definitely not the sensor hill they decided to die on.


Dear_Ebb_5181 t1_j6lv1yb wrote

They started really collecting data 2 years ago with 2000 beta testers. They collected 90 million miles by the end of the second year. Thats pretty damn epic and the improvements have been impressive. But fsd won’t be anywhere near perfect till they hit billions of miles. I think elon has been quoted as needing 6 billion miles and i wouldnt be surprised if it’s more… with 400k beta testers, we are years away. It will be gradual and iterative but the point is, it’s a matter of time. Is fsd anywhere near perfect? Hell no. Is the improvement progressing as needed to solve fsd within the next decade? Hell yes


mlamping OP t1_j6ltk6u wrote

No, it’s that all the tech they built in 2008 to do it is outdated and they have to continue because they spent billions on lidars and other expensive sensors.

How I know? I know ppl at some of these top fsd contenders. Using LiDAR or camera to sense the world are so close in efficiency that the cost for LiDAR etc is stupid. That’s why many LiDAR based fsd companies are old and the new ones are all camera based.

LiDAR main advantage was distance and range sensing. 5 cameras, and video stocking along with the software solved that 5 years ago. Hence why the talk of fusion multiple sensor types together is stupid. You can do range and distance with cameras pretty well