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Same_Class5866 t1_j6gx567 wrote

Well it was fun everyone now make sure to put your money in more low risk investments like savings accounts with 0.5% interest 😂


StrikeGoat t1_j6gxxl3 wrote

Ok this is going to be the first time he is right


n1ck90z t1_j6gyrc6 wrote

Any odd number of inversions should be good


Baecchus t1_j6gz06y wrote

Fucking 100x short on everything.


couchy91 t1_j6gzlnc wrote

Ffs.. shits gonna hit the fan.


Sheeple81 t1_j6gzm1z wrote

We didn't realize we were in the good times now they are over.


wsbt4rd t1_j6hdk2a wrote

Shit shit shit we're all doomed! Run for your lives! Sell everything and go long in Shitcoin!!


Goldfishy666 t1_j6hg8tw wrote

So just tried a x20 short for the first time


Big-Toe6215 t1_j6hhxq7 wrote

My puts gonna print so hard.


Thanks, Jim! Booya.


stockist420 t1_j6hirn8 wrote

Jpow comes hard drunk, swears at everyone, punches few media people, exposes himself and raises interest rates by 1000 bps.


NakedPatrick t1_j6hn4qs wrote

If the fed decides on 50bps for whatever reason we are in for a fuckening


Raphael17 t1_j6hpcye wrote

Can someone tape his fucking mouth?? Why does he get to speak still?


DyuSPY t1_j6hxyug wrote

F gotta get them puts. Didn’t know the rally finished so quick


skyblue5432 t1_j6i0vsb wrote

Well the market could go up for about half an hour. But then JPow starts talking at the press conference.


delsombra t1_j6i1n7h wrote

well, that bodes well for all my puts


CramertheShorter t1_j6i2o8v wrote

Damnnnnnn, I bought BTC with 20x leverage 5 hours ago. Well it seems that I'll get liquidated as usual.


CliffDraws t1_j6i4taa wrote

He said “could”. Does this still count for reverse Kramer?


TridentsFork t1_j6igwu1 wrote

Thus far, this gentleman is not popular on here... however... he's made his money.


Allenft t1_j6iin56 wrote

dont forgot he now knows we inverse him, could be another green week


ArcticGold t1_j6inz7o wrote

I wish he just shut ups. All my positions are doing great. He types on his stupid phone. Stocks does at least 30%-100% the opposite direction. Fuccckkking shit.


Turbiedurb t1_j6irz88 wrote

I should drop parts of the load before FOMC, got it Cramer.


fonn4 t1_j6iv5eq wrote

It was nice while it lasted


SpielerZwei t1_j6j2eww wrote

why is this tagged as meme. this is setious financial advice.


Ethanbob103 t1_j6j4rbg wrote

Thank god im tired of my fallbacks going down


YungKingAj t1_j6j7e38 wrote

Everyone’s talking about shorting so I will do the opposite img


doctorcrimson t1_j6j9ue2 wrote

Sometimes I wonder if he's actually trying or just parotting public sentiment knowing full well we're inversing his ass.


401k_gambler t1_j6l4v0a wrote

Uber eats drivers really come from the challenged spectrum sometimes. Every once in a while I get one who can’t figure out how to operate the gate at my complex. They always act like it’s literally some kind of impossible task but no one else has an issue. So annoying


BraidRuner t1_j6lh1er wrote

I hate that fucking prick. He is a smug symptom of what is wrong with the system. How he lives and breathes and walks the streets is beyond me. I would never serve him a cup of water. He would have to leave anywhere I was working. I would not fix his car or cut his hair or mow his lawn. I would make it my mission to see him anathema to polite society. Seriously just fuck him