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jr1tn t1_j6nyfjp wrote

OK here is a real tip

After the fed announcement tomorrow, if the market sells off on the announcement, buy 3 calls priced at ten cents on SPY for $30.


SuccessGaming t1_j6o2m6f wrote

Most brokers won't let new people qualify for options unless they have experience in the market. Sounds like dude tryna put his taco bell money into stocks.


MrBowick t1_j6oabdk wrote

Most brokers you just have to digitally sign a waiver or something saying you have experience. Anyone can sign it


Dr_Emmet_Brown t1_j6oq7me wrote

Robin Hood would allow a steaming hot pile of shit to trade options.


Nuclearchurch OP t1_j6nyt86 wrote

Okay, how come?


evilartnboy t1_j6nzufm wrote

I think the idea is that the price for spy will go down, but then go back up over the next few weeks


Nuclearchurch OP t1_j6o08c2 wrote

I’m still trying to understand calls, if I buy them, and they fail do I owe anything?


NotAnAmazonAd t1_j6o0w3z wrote

Yep, youll end up owing half your paycheck the rest of your life because you cant stop wont stop


FATKEDLUVSCAKE t1_j6o0xay wrote

you have a lot to learn grasshopper. Go long something inexpensive like gopro.


Organic-World-4893 t1_j6o4quj wrote

I’m no trading expert but go watch some YouTube videos instead of randomly clicking buttons you don’t understand… you will waste $30 and learn nothing when u could watch someone else on YouTube do it and explain wtf is actually going on


AnbuAntt t1_j6o0rp7 wrote

Maybe wait to trade options friend. Can get you into big trouble.


jr1tn t1_j6o13c9 wrote

You can't get into big trouble buying $30 worth of calls. Worst case, you're out $30. Come on, man.


evilartnboy t1_j6o1dj4 wrote

Search up the graph for option types. Then only stick to buys, the sell option opens you up to infinite loss


Bone_Dancer t1_j6o1qky wrote

No, youre buying the right to buy a stock at a certain price 100 shares at a time, doesnt mean you have to or even make money off the shares, youll just sell the call for more you bought it for and ez pz Now if you sell a put or call, thats when things can get hairy. A put much more so.


WhyAmThisWay t1_j6o40t4 wrote

No, you wouldn’t owe anything but here are tips:

  1. Time is your fren

  2. Closer to the strike is your best bet, but $30 wont get you there.

  3. Set your sell limit as soon as you get a contract, the premium can change fast

  4. You will lose most of the time


chev327fox t1_j6ojcwi wrote

You can only lose what you put in (ie what you pay for the options contracts… so in your case $30).


TalaHusky t1_j6o7nug wrote

So if it goes up tomorrow I’ll buy puts for the same. Thanks!