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TheDirtyDagger t1_j4yt3s2 wrote

Tinder. I ask my matches if they have an opinion on a ticker. If more than 20% of Thots are familiar with a ticker, I know that the hype has already peaked and to stay away.


GoingKerm t1_j4yu4vw wrote

Analyze? FOMO is the only analysis I use


btoned t1_j4yx9l6 wrote

When stock go up 200% I buy calls.

When stock go down 200% I buy puts.

When stock turn red I sell.

When stock turn green I buy.

When option IV over 300% I buy.

When option IV under 25% I not buy.

When option 50% OTM and only $0.05 I buy 500.

When option ATM and at 52w low I ignore.

When option ITM and up 100% I hold until bigly red.


tomis28 t1_j4yu4xr wrote

My dog picks my stocks, he is more accurately than most people. What? Short NFLX, okay.


xcalibur2 t1_j4yy3p7 wrote

Analyzing is for normies. Just fomo into meme stocks and become a autist.


VisualMod t1_j4yydlr wrote

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