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BertAnsink t1_j6b2uy4 wrote

Around 2-3% total portfolio value.


And size the position so that your SL is not likely to be hit in one day.


If you have lost on your trade, it obviously means that you can loose next on next trade as SL will be 2% of your new portfolio size.


2-3% seems low but think of this. If you loose 25% of your portfolio value you need to make 33% to come back to break even. Loose 50% and you need to make 100%. Loose 75% and you need to make 400%.


Lack of risk managment is why people don't tend to recover from the inmense losses posted here.


United-Display-386 OP t1_j6b3lj8 wrote

I should make clearer question “ How many % do set up for cut loss/ transaction”😲. ”


BertAnsink t1_j6b5yz0 wrote

Yes usually 2-3% of total portfolio value.


I usually take ATR(9) as a guide for how far away the SL needs to be.


So say I am trading ES futures with $50.000 in my account. I would put the stop at $1000. ATR(9) for last trading day is 60 points. For ES futures it's $50 per point. So 1x future with a 60 point drop would give -$3000. In this case I would shift to MES that do $5 per point, ie 4x MES with a 60 point loss will give -$1200. Set stop at 50 points in that case.


There is more to all this since I often trade futures against shares. Ie I own the shares and sell futures short. In this case I can short more futures since I have long shares that cover the loss if I am wrong.


On options I usually sell them, either puts at a point where I think the stock is low and has high IV or calls after I think we have reached a peak. Collecting the premiums gives you more opportunities than pure directional betting where it's simply win or loss.


I also try to diversify into uncorrelated assets where opportunities arise. Ie last year I have traded a lot of WTI futures spreads which was good business. The market has stabilized for now but I am looking at QG (Natgas) since that went down the toilet over last month.


I keep a daily excel sheet which calculates total portfolio volatility so I have a track of Value at Risk for a given day.


United-Display-386 OP t1_j6b6m7r wrote

is often the %Win > than %losses At the end of the month . I know I need to train my mental health to accept the lost day . Still chicken 😅


Express-Rice-6415 t1_j6flele wrote

I think its also the lack of understanding of how compounding small percentages on on a steadyish avarage can make you filthy rich, but this is wsb we here for a good time not a long time :D