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sadafboicry OP t1_j6afb2z wrote

Reply to comment by skibity1 in rate my portfolio by sadafboicry

Or I could lose it all in one trade lol


diggingbighole t1_j6cb37t wrote

I think MJ said, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Now, you've only lost 50% of the shots you did take.

I like those odds.


stockrot t1_j6cxcly wrote

Your well on your way with SQQQ , do you know what happens to you if JP goes .25% .the market goes straight up! God forbid for you if he pauses ( which probably is unlikely) you lose it all! The first thing you should do is get out of SQQQ monday morning that is a train wreck IMHO.