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Toomin3 t1_j6az6sz wrote

Reply to comment by sadafboicry in rate my portfolio by sadafboicry

I'm still in TQQQ from Wednesday. RSI was bananas Friday. That Powel meeting is coming up however last time stocks went up until just before he spoke and than plummeted. I'm not sure if a 25 BPS increase will be enough to see that again.

Also, glad to see someone playing the TQQQ and SQQQ game. A perfect sell on one is a perfect buy on the other. Usually, TQQQ is the right choice since markets usually go up but lately SQQQ has been crazy.


ShroomingMantis t1_j6bz6kr wrote

Actually the distribution of green and red days is almost 50% so the odds of having an up or down day is almost even if you're out before close, fun fact.


PlantainStill t1_j6cmktm wrote

Switch to yearly and look at Sqqq in 2022, but tqqq every other year.

You are correct, but if you were to sell tqqq at each high point to buy sqqq and vice versa, you'd be in tqqq a lot longer.