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dismayhurta t1_j5dmrvt wrote

Reply to comment by DisconnectedDays in The dichotomy of FT by Johs92

This is what corporations want...desperate people who'll sell cheap and take shit jobs.


JiggyJerome t1_j5e1304 wrote

Capitulation. That’s the sophisticated word that banks and financial institutions use when retail investors give up and sell off their equities in order to pay for essential needs.


VallenValiant t1_j5emk82 wrote

But not shit-paying jobs. Inflation means it is a waste of time working for minimum wage. You would only die tired. So it is either getting better wage or roll the dice and start a business.

There are some shitty jobs that pay well, and that is the way it should be. But shit-pay jobs will die out because people can't afford to work in those jobs.


[deleted] t1_j5exp8i wrote



Reggie_001 t1_j5ga732 wrote

The problem is that when too many people end up having to do that there is a collective energy that builds. To put it into perspective, things are exponentially worse than when the American revolution began, we are getting close to how bad it was when the French revolution began..

It's fine when the born-poor are forced to do it, but once even more middle class people are forced to it there will be violence.


DiriboNuclearAcid t1_j5gma6n wrote

Ya people tend to forget the reason the American Revolution started is because people were mad about not having enough money. That freedom shit is just propaganda at best, delusional idealism at worst.


__Sky_Daddy__ t1_j5exv0l wrote

This, to me, is exactly what is happening. Going to be brutal for Corporations operating with slave labor.


midwestck t1_j5f5igf wrote

Nah they’ll just rely on expanded welfare paid for by middle-class income taxes

See: Walmart’s labor model


__Sky_Daddy__ t1_j5f9hdc wrote

Nope. That doesn’t work at scale


midwestck t1_j5fobn3 wrote

Yeah $6.2bn to Walmart workers alone is definitely not already to scale


patriots317 t1_j5ezm84 wrote

Not just corporations…. Really everyone. With people as comfortable as they have been with an abundance of jobs, and employers desperate to hire, it has contributed greatly to the rampant inflation we’ve seen.