Submitted by _throw_away_2019 t3_10qbvk4 in wallstreetbets

I am exhausted fighting the market makers with $SPY so I decided to open the following position:

2 x $WEN $22 calls for Aug 18th 85 x $WEN $23 calls for March 17th

Worth about ~$5,500. I think I messed up and scared but f it YOLO

However, I heard Bedrock or black rock or some type of rock bought hundreds of thousands of Wendy shares. So I had to indulge and go all in



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VisualMod t1_j6p29on wrote

>That is a terrible investment. You will lose all of your money.


thibbs007 t1_j6p49by wrote

Visual mod, so brutal. Let a man dream. God dam since when was AI so boring


Striker40k t1_j6p7rnz wrote

This mf is going from betting on Wendy’s, to working behind Wendy’s


TeflonShawn42069 t1_j6p2z99 wrote

Imma get a biggie bag in your honor. Thoughts and prayers my guy.


crypt0_sports t1_j6p6i30 wrote

The dumpster has a boarding party waiting for you.

They have a new sauce and it’s not siracha.


bbatardo t1_j6p2gy6 wrote

My only question is.. why?


_throw_away_2019 OP t1_j6p2ojc wrote

Because Bedrock bought wendy shares img


bbatardo t1_j6pbd6i wrote

Blackrock owns shares of everything lol they even bought that towel company somewhat recently. I just was expecting a better catalyst when I asked why


_throw_away_2019 OP t1_j6pd3vi wrote

I’m a chart guy not so much of news. If you look at the chart there was a giant engulfing candle on a downtrend + volume on the buy side. I realized .80 cents was within an IV range. The calls were cheap so why not


_throw_away_2019 OP t1_j6ped1a wrote

Also IV rank is low so it’s cheap if it expires at the money which is 45 days from now I 60% profit.


bbatardo t1_j6pg719 wrote

At least you did some research on top of your YOLO, best of luck.


Tricky_Bluebird t1_j6p43i4 wrote

You will be well regarded if it pays off.


Same_Class5866 t1_j6ph38r wrote

As long as you got the loan to buy those from one of our friends behind the dumpster you should do just fine.


_throw_away_2019 OP t1_j6phds8 wrote

Why do I need a loan to buy them? Wendy’s IV rank is at 44 which is low and great time to decide if this stock is worth buying options. A 10 cent move can move my option 5-10%. Which I’ll happily take. But think about it … tomorrow FOMC people gonna need to put money on something


Same_Class5866 t1_j6phpem wrote

So you have had success in the past.


_throw_away_2019 OP t1_j6pi22n wrote

A few times but 1 time took me out. I’m not going to be trading spy during FOMC f that. I rather trade something that doesn’t move as much like Wendy’s and worst case scenario I just work there