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grimkhor t1_j6m8d22 wrote

Just send me your money and I tell you in 3 months that you lost 98% that way it's easier for all of us.

>I know there’s a lot involved, just looking for opinions on the best TRADING ways to turn $500 into $5000, or $50k.

You belong here. Do you think everyone is just using the worst ways to trade for fun. There's no best way regard.


VisualMod t1_j6m7vyv wrote

>If you're looking to make quick gains with a small investment, then options trading is definitely the way to go. Options are contracts that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price within a certain time frame. This means that you can control a large amount of stock for a relatively small amount of money.

However, options trading is also very risky and complex, so it's important to do your research and understand all the risks involved before getting started. There are plenty of resources out there on options trading - just Google it and you'll find tons of articles, videos, etc.


Dimcair t1_j6m8zlq wrote

I mean if I got half a million USD saved up.

What are better odds.

Asking for advise on wsb or just putting it on black in roulette


AmplitudeTrader t1_j6mambt wrote

Odds of Roulette 49/49. Odds of WSB 30/69


CodeBlackGoonit t1_j6moeby wrote

49/49 = 1 30/69 = .43

I think Roulette has better odds


AmplitudeTrader t1_j6mszn5 wrote

Just googled it actually 18/20 for roulettes colors. For some reason I was thinking it went to 100. Also didn’t account for 0 and 00 right. Oh, well guess I belong here.


[deleted] t1_j6mubyh wrote

The casino would like to offer you some comp. drinks and a line of credit


Natural_Bag_3519 t1_j6m8cgh wrote

I'm gonna buy some 20c for spxs (inverse leverage spy ETF) tomorrow, to get ready for Wednesday. They're cheap and more fun than scratch tickets


notfunny2022 t1_j6m92xu wrote

Explain more


Natural_Bag_3519 t1_j6m9q74 wrote

SPX is a leveraged ETF that tracks the s&p

SPXS is same thing but short instead of long.

I like it cuz it's trading at 19ish in contrast to SPX at 70ish and the options are cheaper.

There is a federal reserve meeting this Wednesday and earnings for some tech companies this week. If there's a interest rate hike and earnings are poor, s&p goes down, SPXS goes up, 20c print, wife moves back in maybe?


Autumnalskye t1_j6mlo2r wrote

Dude I actually did this in October sold my Xbox series one for 300 bought puts and n FedEx on a Thursday night with the money and then made a grand Friday on the puts


Conscious-Train2837 t1_j6m92mp wrote

Since you wont read a long comment anyway, simply yolo it all and see how it goes. The worst case is you lost it all but the best case is you infinity times your money


BourboneAFCV t1_j6makes wrote

I like to close my eyes and pick stocks randomly, I love gambling


CreativeMinds47 t1_j6mb39r wrote

Not that young yet, all you could sell is an xbox?? Damn, rather buy yourself food...


Paco-loves-tacos87 t1_j6mlh0i wrote

Ehem, ORDERFLOW. Search it, learn it, study it, apply it. Best orderflow tools: 1) Time & Sales 2) Volume Profile 3) VWAP indicator. Trust me, if my friends can learn it after crying for help on losing trades and then thinking they are a god trader once they sought help, so can you.


Harvick4tw t1_j6mmgq8 wrote

use spreads and don’t buy so far out of the money that it’s unlikely to hit.


rodsterStewart t1_j6ms6q7 wrote

First off, you want a green rocket, not a red rocket. Personally, I'd rather rock a strap-on dildo attached directly to my forehead, but anyways, what are we talking about again?

Oh yeah. Rockets. Green Rockets/Dildos > Red Rockets Dildos.

And remember if all else fails, just keep throwing money at it. Usually solves all problems.


wallstreetbets-ModTeam t1_j6mu83f wrote

Thanks for your submission!

r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible.

To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting.

We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible.

This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include:

  • Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?".

  • Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again.

  • Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading.

All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers.

If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to modmail and we'll give you some pointers!


Franciisx4 t1_j6mbnk8 wrote

ROLLS ROYCE. Also don't offend the younger generation because they are ahead of your boomer curve, ESPECIALLY if you're turning to them for advice.