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Dimcair t1_j6m8zlq wrote

I mean if I got half a million USD saved up.

What are better odds.

Asking for advise on wsb or just putting it on black in roulette


AmplitudeTrader t1_j6mambt wrote

Odds of Roulette 49/49. Odds of WSB 30/69


CodeBlackGoonit t1_j6moeby wrote

49/49 = 1 30/69 = .43

I think Roulette has better odds


AmplitudeTrader t1_j6mszn5 wrote

Just googled it actually 18/20 for roulettes colors. For some reason I was thinking it went to 100. Also didn’t account for 0 and 00 right. Oh, well guess I belong here.


[deleted] t1_j6mubyh wrote

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