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bbatardo t1_j6p3gbs wrote

That is the neat part.. you can't. There is always going to be a % of the population that jumps into something. Just look at the evolution of things over the decades.


SwearImNotACat OP t1_j6p71cr wrote

Lazy answer. We can absolutely improve online practices and minimize loss at WSB by taking preventative measures. (Such as providing better financial education resources).

The guy screaming about his carvana puts on the front page is obvious evidence of this.


bbatardo t1_j6pabc2 wrote

This is /r/wallstreetbets, not /r/investing. There is a reason people choose here instead of there.


SwearImNotACat OP t1_j6pgge9 wrote

More success stories and better communication on the forum would boost everyone’s gains.