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SwearImNotACat OP t1_j6p6uiu wrote

There’s a lot of evidence that some people think they’re getting into a “sure thing” bobbys.

Which points at a larger social problem with the way the sub talks about companies and investments


The_Fake_King t1_j6p8izf wrote

Only person responsible for their financial decisions are they themselves. Lots of people chased after a supposed "get rich quick scheme" they thought they needed to put no effort into. Just buy shares and you'll be rich. Any amount of criticism or counter evidence was taken as a personal attack against their ego and now has turned into a toxic sunken cost fallacy that has them looking at every aspect of everything as a conspiracy by the wealthy to keep them poor.

It's why over the course of two years anyone with any amount of logic based objective indifference to the stock has seen every non zealot thrown out of the echo chamber. When it first started all information was accepted. Now if you think anything other than the squeeze is 100% guaranteed you're thrown out. You think this one thing that has a real life example of happening(drs) will be the final cause of you becoming super duper multibillionaires then google Robert Smith global links. You think a company that burned through 1.5 billion in share buybacks and immediately needed loans to pay bills is a successful company I got some towels to sell you.


kAALiberty t1_j6pcm5q wrote

OP you only post about the shit towel company. Honestly, like any stock if you bought at the right time or bought the dip you would of been fine.