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CopperMurphy t1_j6ms8w6 wrote

Doesn't mean he didn't continue to add as it went up. Pretty smart guy he is richer than everyone on WSB put together.


swohio t1_j6ndz1o wrote

> Pretty smart guy he is richer than everyone on WSB put together.

And so is Elon so that's really no a relevant point at all.


CopperMurphy t1_j6neb8f wrote

Elon being equally as smart is a debate, this guy bought twitter at the very top of the market and is now begging for investors to save his ass. Gates has been smart a lot longer than Elon and a lot longer track record of success. But regardless Elon's intelligence has nothing to do with whether or not Bill raked in the profits off of Teslas crash back to reality recently.

Some day those numbers will come out and I would wager to say I'm right


swohio t1_j6nepgr wrote

> Elon being equally as smart is a debate,

You literally just used the argument that net wealth=intelligence in your last comment. Holy shit you're dumb.