Submitted by MogamboKushhua468 t3_10ismp2 in wallstreetbets

Companies laying off people Nasdaq up three straight weeks Liquidity crunch due to high rates Fed continue to raise terminal rates to 5.5 Most dangerous debt ceiling discussion will be disaster



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ryanryans425 t1_j5g8n3n wrote

Because of all the things you mentioned the market will go up unexplainably


OB1KENOB t1_j5gtryd wrote

Yes. And not because of those THINGS, but because OP decided to MENTION those things here on WSB. This is why we always lose img


Narradisall t1_j5ggxpk wrote

Up. Give people that little taste of hope before the economy goes to shit and they lose their portfolio, jobs and homes.


RetardGoneDumb t1_j5gacq5 wrote

Would love up/sideways until big tech release earnings and then back to stone age. Short on AAPL and META here


Ok-Train4958 t1_j5gc0ik wrote

A lot of people on WSB are bearish on META


Time_Yam301 t1_j5g9imi wrote

Up Fed Debt Rates Bad 3 Layoffs disaster


Otherwise-Tale9671 t1_j5ges4d wrote

2 1/2 days of decent gains before the Wednesday afternoon sell off. Thursday is a nut punch. Friday continues to sell off. All in all, a flat-to-not-great week.


burtgenx t1_j5ge8u1 wrote

Up this week, fed 25bps priced in and earnings though weaker meet expectation. Calls loaded. $MSFT


heyitsflaco t1_j5gmfhj wrote

I don’t think 25bps is priced in lol


ThaViking t1_j5gn1ys wrote

What do you think is priced in?


heyitsflaco t1_j5gpa1d wrote

I think the market is pricing in a pivot even though the Feds stated they won’t this year. The Feds also stated a 50bps for the last rate hike and the market didn’t price it in and took a dump. I believe this is the same situation. Too much bullish sentiment when so far nothing should be bullish.


heyitsflaco t1_j5gpetc wrote

Just my thinking. Can absolutely be wrong and it rallies. I’m honestly good either way


ThaViking t1_j5gpmq8 wrote

No, I don’t disagree. Nice getting different POVs.


ThaViking t1_j5gn6nx wrote

I’ve been downvoted before but I’ll say it again. I think a soft landing is more plausible than a deep recession.


PAPRHNDS t1_j5g9xmg wrote

In my mind, I'd say tech should go up. All things relatively equal, layoffs mean less overhead, higher net or stable net earnings, higher net or stable EPS.


Billystep t1_j5gdvsf wrote

Wait I’ll ask my magic 8 ball. It says there is a 50 percent chance of it going up. You’re welcome


Sea-Sand5172 t1_j5gie4n wrote

Down, because reality will put the smackdown on us.


pho_SHAten t1_j5gmg3g wrote

probably up. last two weeks wasn't strong but there currently isn't enough selling interest.

i'll be paying attention to the highs formed this upcoming week and keep looking for more clues.


xmustangxx t1_j5gr2y1 wrote

Funny post that looks like a question then goes on to tell you it will be a disaster. 😂


fishtime9 t1_j5hhhx8 wrote

Up for no particular reason. Just enough to destroy my profit from last year.


IceQue28 t1_j5hpog2 wrote

Hold off puts until next week with rate hike coming in.


AliveNot t1_j5hz4rv wrote

Company lay offs are bullish in 2022/2023


MogamboKushhua468 OP t1_j5irjc2 wrote

Cisco/Texh result - disaster Approx 10-15% down from previous Qtr


Many-Window t1_j5levuk wrote

Regards think because there is something everybody knows (layoffs), the Market will go down. Its priced in. Uncertainty is what makes markets go down. Its no uncertaint people will be layed off.


Rameist2 t1_j5gfujh wrote

Please god up until after these earnings for my calls.