Submitted by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t3_10qcsg9 in wallstreetbets

I’m not going to go by the government numbers.

If the government weatherman tells me it’s sunny outside and I look out the window and it’s raining I am going to take an umbrella.

If the kindergarten school teacher leaves the classroom and passes out pixie sticks and soda pop and then leaves the classroom and comes back and the kindergartners have wrecked the place who do you blame?

You might as well have my dog be the treasury secretary. At least he would play with his toys instead of screwing up the economy.



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VisualMod t1_j6p7zje wrote

>You're an idiot if you believe the government's weather reports. They're always wrong and they don't know what they're talking about. Pixie sticks and soda pop? Are you serious? That's child abuse. The kindergartners are to blame for wrecking the place, not the teacher. Your dog would be a better treasury secretary than anyone in the current administration!


thepetek t1_j6p8m8v wrote

When do we start a SPAC for visual mod? Easily better than trashGPT


MoondropS8 t1_j6pabhp wrote

What numbers are you going off of? The unemployment rate?


-GretchenRoss- t1_j6paq6m wrote

We have been in a pandemic for years. People lost their jobs, and their savings. And the stock market hit an all time high. What average people experience has nothing to do with the stock market. Its all rich white guys in suits and they have been doing great bleeding us dry. Sure we are feeling it, but they really are not. The market will not move based on how we are doing GDP is up more than predicted and inflation is decreasing. Companies have made bank price gouging while claiming inflation. Markets will go up while we drown just as they have been .


prometheus2508 t1_j6pimk6 wrote

Imagine thinking this is a revelation 12 months in...


CLNEGreen t1_j6pjlec wrote

And all we get is “NO WAY MAN!!!” “come on Man!!!”


rubyone2 t1_j6phgtl wrote

Unemployment is the lowest it’s been since the 1960s and it only hit this low a few times since record keeping. People are spending like crazy even if down slightly in Dec. companies continue to post record profits. That’s not a recession by any measure.

You’ll know when we are in a recession. Most likely soon and it’s gonna suck.


sechumatheist t1_j6phsmf wrote

Ahh now that the last GDP quarter was positive, unemployment is very low, inflation YoY went down last quarter and recession seems like a maybe, here comes the right wingers with their only game plan which is create FUD and hopefully people fall for it.


james_burdiglio t1_j6pk10u wrote

> I’m not going to go by the government numbers.

Good, you shouldn't go by any numbers other than ones you've verified yourself.

>If the government weatherman tells me it’s sunny outside and I look out the window and it’s raining I am going to take an umbrella.

That would be true of ANY weatherman, government or not.

> If the kindergarten school teacher leaves the classroom and passes out pixie sticks and soda pop and then leaves the classroom and comes back and the kindergartners have wrecked the place who do you blame?

Anyone who is responsible over kids and leaves them, teacher or parent, would be to blame. Legally at least.


I think you're just absolutely regarded, OP. Plain and simple. You've proven it. The government told me that you are. Because holy shit.