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FracturedSoula t1_j6nieqt wrote

I don't think its today.. I think tomorrow, 2 pm Powell speaks with a rate hike.


RSGoldPuts t1_j6nqc90 wrote

Definitely tomorrow. Don't know why it isn't red. Spy was red this morning and last night I was going buy puts but decided against because this market is absolute regarded in what it wants.

Just crash to 0 and let's all start over. Whoever has the most toilet paper wins.


Ok_Manager3185 t1_j6o820p wrote

Its the AI. It's gotta be. I highly doubt real people would be making these bizzare movements. AI runs the market and being unpredictable is the best way to proposely sway the numbers in your direction. Well, when you have enough money to be a market-maker