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Ok_Culture_3621 t1_j9zrk5v wrote

> At issue is how to deter kids from committing crimes

I have an issue with this line. I’m no expert but it seems by the time a child gets to the point where they need to start considering the criminal consequences of an action, they’re already too far gone for deterrence to matter much. If the idea of threatening an old lady on her way to chemo isn’t a deterrent, what is?


Deep_Stick8786 t1_ja0bote wrote

TBF he wouldn’t known that. And he def didnt know he would get the shit kicked out of him by the rest of the kids on the block


tehruben t1_ja0sf33 wrote

Some people learn best through personal experience. Now he knows.


Ok_Culture_3621 t1_ja3ltfa wrote

True, but you throw the door open and its a little old lady, yelling a string of curse words and running away is still a better option than trying to take her car.


Deep_Stick8786 t1_ja7x5sg wrote

I’m not excusing his crimes. Just saying a free car is a free car. Crime of opportunity. Probably doesn’t care about much else


Ok_Culture_3621 t1_ja8yv6w wrote

Yes. That’s my point. If those things are what motivates a person, then whatever deterrent factor a law might have probably doesn’t mean very much.