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FST_Gemstar t1_jaaijj0 wrote

It takes a long time. I think I submitted end of January 2022 and didnt get a NOE until end of March. Some of the partner organizations submit applications in monthly bunches, so that could add a few weeks delay, but eight weeks I think is typical. So it should be soon. The GW Urban League Staff are very nice and will field questions if you're call them directly.

I started the process with my first webinar early December 2021. So it was almost four months from starting to getting a NOE, and then a while after that to find a house, get under contract, and close. It is a very long process.


[deleted] t1_ja8o9lv wrote



General-Potential869 OP t1_ja8ql02 wrote

I guess I was looking more for the timeline between submitting application and receiving NOE. I was told 6-12 weeks and was hoping to be closer to 6 than 12


erichinnw t1_ja940d5 wrote

What CBO did you go through? Also, the last time I heard, the Urban League (which used to handle the bulk of the NOEs) and were pretty good at getting them out fairly quickly, was no longer doing them and they're being processed out of DC HFA.


General-Potential869 OP t1_ja96k3f wrote

I submitted through housing counseling services and it is being processed by DCHFA. Today is day 60 so sounds like I just need to wait a little longer


dmvmtgguy t1_ja943m3 wrote

From what I am hearing, it is closer to the 60 to 75 days. The same underwriters that issue the NOEs many time do the underwriting for real deals. Therefore, if there are alot of people under contract for HPAP, they have limited amount of time to underwriter the NOEs requests.


General-Potential869 OP t1_ja96mpy wrote

Thanks! This is helpful. Just wanted to make sure they didn’t forget about me but sounds like I just need to be patient